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时间:2018-06-03 21:17来源:毕业论文

Research on Security Management of General Construction Contract to Labor Subcontract for the Building Construction
Abstract:With the rapid economical and social progress of China, status of the construction industry is becoming higher and higher, turning into a significant pillar industry of the city’s economy. In particular, the rise of the real estate industry, the construction industry has developed even more vigorously. However, the extensive existence of irregular construction labor subcontract along with non-standard management of labor not only seriously disrupts the construction market and becomes difficulty for management in the industry, but also brings about lots of safety problems which may lead to frequent occurrences of construction safety accidents, consequently has become the major factors restricting the sound development of the construction industry. Therefore, we should explore the solutions to the existing problems systematically on the basis of conducting in-depth investigation to the current situation of the security management on the subcontract of the construction contract enterprises in China, which is of practical and crucial significance to continuously raising the security management level of subcontract of the construction enterprises in China so as to accomplish sustainable and sound development in the construction industry.
Key Words:construction industry;labor subcontract;security management;countermeasure
1  绪论    1
1.1  概述    1
1.1.1  选题背景    1
1.1.2  研究目标    3
1.1.3  研究意义    3
1.2  国内外研究现状    4
1.2.1  国外研究现状    4
1.2.2  国内研究现状    5
1.3  研究思路、方法与技术路线    5
2  施工总承包对劳务分包方的安全管理因素分析    6
2.1  建筑安全生产形势    6
2.1.1  事故发生年份分布    6
2.1.2  事故的地区分布    8
2.1.3  事故类型分布    9
2.1.4  事故严重程度分布    9
2.2  我国建筑安全管理因素分析    10
2.2.1  主要因素    10
2.2.2  次要因素    12
2.3  我国建筑施工企业劳务分包管理的现状分析    13
2.3.1  对劳务分包概念认识不清, 劳务队伍的选择面狭窄    13
2.3.2  没有资质的劳务队伍参与施工较为普遍    14
2.3.3  以包代管现象突出    14
2.3.4  合同界定不明确, 责任不清    15
3  建筑施工企业劳务分包安全管理评价    15
3.1  安全评价的概述    15
3.1.1  安全评价的涵义    15 施工总承包对劳务分包方的安全管理研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_16949.html