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时间:2018-06-01 21:49来源:毕业论文

The Surveys and Analisis on Career Planning of Local University Students --Taking Zhoukou Normal University as an Example
Abstract: Profession is an important part in our life. So it makes great significance to carry out a career planning for the college students ,colleges and our society. It is the necessary requirement to develop the career paining for the college students to improve personal capacity,the colleges to ensure their educational achievements and for our society to keep sustainable development. The article is based on the investigation of current career planning status of Zhoukou Normal University students by means of a questionnaire, and find that the students are lack of correct self cognition, their career planning consciousness is very weak and even they don’t have deep understanding and enough preparation for the employment . With the inquisition data, the article is  focused on adding difficulty situation to position themselves accurately, strengthening the education of  career planning and carrying out practical activities etc .Hope that through this article there is targeted to inspire and guide the college students to develop the career planning.
Key Words:Local university;College students;Occupation career planning
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、大学生职业生涯规划理论概述    2
(一)大学生职业生涯规划的含义    2
(二)大学生职业生涯规划的意义    2
二、地方高校大学生职业生涯规划的调查与分析    3
(一)调查对象    3
(二)研究方法    4
(三)调查结果与分析    4
三、地方高校大学生职业生涯规划存在的问题    10
(一)大学生缺乏正确的自我认知    10
(二)职业生涯规划意识比较淡薄    11
(三)大学生对就业的重视度不够    11
(四)学校对就业指导力度不足    11
四、完善地方高校大学生职业生涯规划的对策    12
(一)明确职业目标,准确定位自己    12
(二)加强大学生职业生涯规划教育    12
(三)开展实践活动,提高对就业的重视    12
(四)成立专业化的就业指导部门    13
参考文献    14
附录    15
致谢    17
对于大多数人来说,职业是人生的重要组成部分,是一个人通过工作表现将知识智慧贡献给社会、为社会服务的重要途径。职业生涯需要经营和规划,通过职业生涯规划,不仅是要找到一份适合自己的工作,更重要的是帮助个人进一步地了解自己,为自己制定事业计划,拟定人生的发展方向。职业生涯规划是社会发展的产物,是大学生成才、成功的必然需要。对于当代大学生而言,通过大学的学习获得从业的本领,最终走上职业道路,是学习的重要目的之一。大学生对自己职业生涯规划的好坏直接影响一生的职业发展,因此,客观分析自身的优势与劣势,为自己量身打造一份职业生涯规划有着至关重要的意义。 地方高校大学生职业生涯规划调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_16831.html