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时间:2018-05-08 22:22来源:毕业论文

 Enterprise perceived organizational support and turnover intention relationship
Abstract: As the research object in zhengzhou enterprise staff ,this paper discusses enterprise employee perceived organizational support and turnover intention.Based on the survey data for correlation analysis,regression analysis,variance analysis.The results show that the enterprise employees perceived organizational support and its three dimensions,turnover intention was significantly negative correlation,enterprise employees perceived organizational support and its three dimensions is a significant variable in forecast the turnover intention;Different gender and age and education and working years and the scale of the enterprise,and different categories of enterprises on the perceived organizational support that there is no signfican difference;Different gender and age and education and working years and the scale of the enterprise does not exist significant differences on turnover intention,and different categories of enterprises exist significant differences on turnover intention.
Key Words: Enterprise staff;Perceived organizational support;Turnover intention
目  录
摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、相关概念的界定    2
(一)组织支持感的概念    2
(二)离职倾向的概念    3
(三)企业类型的界定    3
二、研究设计    4
(一)研究假设    4
(二)研究工具    5
(三)研究对象    5
(四)统计分析方法    5
三、企业员工组织支持感与员工离职倾向的现状    5
(一)企业员工组织支持感的现状分析    5
(二)企业员工离职倾向关系的现状分析    6
四、企业员工组织支持感对离职倾向的影响分析    6
   (一)相关分析    6
   (二)组织支持感对离职倾向的回归分析    7
   (三)人口统计学变量的差异分析    8
五、对企业的建议    10
(一)提高企业对员工的支持感,以此增强员工的责任感    10
(二)建立员工与其直接主管之间的信任与支持的关系     10
(三)塑造出具有支持性的组织氛围    11
参考文献    ....12
附录    13
致谢    15
随着社会的发展,企业之间的竞争趋势越来越严峻,而且劳动力的雇佣也发生着巨大的变化。现代的企业管理者把眼光聚集在了人才管理方面,但是无论是刚参加工作的毕业生还是有工作经验的人才都会产生一定的离职倾向,为了让企业能够立于不败之地,因此很多企业事业部想方设法吸纳人才,留住人才。本研究主要探究企业员工组织支持感与离职倾向的关系,希望通过此研究能够对企业的发展现状有所帮助。 企业员工组织支持感与离职倾向的关系:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_15218.html