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时间:2020-03-23 15:46来源:毕业论文

设计总说明:本设计为一综合办公楼的建筑给排水设计,建筑高度为73.830米,地下一层为设备用房,地上十七层为办公用房,设计内容包括该办公楼给水系统、排水系统、雨水系统、消火栓和自动喷淋消防系统。室外市政给水管的管径为250mm,地下埋深1.90m,管网提供的稳定压力为0.27MPa。由于市政管网所提供的工作压力常年无法满足室内使用需求,因此采用设水泵的给水方式,并在系统中增设贮水池,采用水泵与室外管网间接连接的方式。室内给水系统采用分区供水,初步拟定该建筑给水系统分二区:1至4层为低区,直接由市政管网供水;5至17层为高区,由水泵直接供水,建筑内给水系统由引入管、水表节点、给水管道、配水装置、用水设备等组成。给水立管管材选用PPR管,最高日用水量50m³/h,设计秒流量4.16L/s。建筑排水系统采用污废水合流制,室内排水系统主要由卫生洁具、排水管道、通气管道、检查口、清扫口、室外排水管道、检查井等组成。排水立管管材选用UPVC管,设置4根排水立管,高区2根排水立管设置专用通气管,污废水经排水立管直接排入下水道。因本设计为综合办公楼,结合技术与经济考虑,建筑雨水系统选用普通外排水。雨水系统主要由榜沟和雨落管组成,降落到屋面的雨水沿屋面集流到檐沟,然后流入到隔一定距离沿外堵设置的雨落管排至地面或雨水口。雨水管管材使用镀锌铁皮管。本设计消火栓系统分为室内消火栓系统和室外消火栓系统,室外消火栓系统设计流量为30L/S,采用室外消火栓环网供水,共设6套室外消火栓,室内消火栓系统设计流量40L/S,采用恒压泵加压供水,室内消防分为两个分区,低区:1至4层,高区5至17层,低区由4层减压阀减压供水, 且高区在5层及17层竖向成环网,低区在4层及1层竖向成环,确保消火栓供水可靠性,地下室消防水池为消火栓和自喷系统共用,屋顶消防水箱为消火栓系统和自喷系统共用,有效容积为30m³,位于十七层上人平台。本设计建筑为综合办公楼,考虑到管道漏水会严重影响办公和文件保存,且一到四层人流量较大,为灭火及时,不造成人员伤亡,故本次设计自动喷水灭火系统采用预作用自动喷水灭火系统。喷水管网中平时不充水,而充有压或无压的气体,发生火灾时,由感烟火灾探测器报警,同时发出信号开启报警信号,报警信号延迟30s证实无误后,自动启动预作用阀门,而向管网中充水。当温度继续升高,闭式喷头闭锁脱落,喷头自动喷水。设计流量20.23L/S,采用恒压泵加压供水,自动喷淋系统采取不分区形式,自动喷淋系统给水水池、消防水箱与消火栓系统合建。46891


 A certain office building water supply and drainage design 

Design total explanation:This design is a comprehensive office building water supply and drainage design, building height 73.830 meters, equipment room for the underground layer, 17, the ground floor is for office space, design contents include the office building water supply system, drainage system, rain water system, fire hydrant and sprinkler system. Outdoor municipal feed pipe diameter is 250 mm, the underground buried depth of 1.90 m, the stability of the network to provide pressure is 0.27 MPa. Perennial as provided by the municipal pipe network pressure cannot meet the demand of indoor use, so the water pump of water supply mode, and add water reservoir in the system, adopts the water pump connected to the outdoor pipe network indirect way. Indoor water supply system using water rationing, to the building water supply system in two area: 1 to 4 layer is low area, directly by the municipal pipeline network of water supply; 5 to 17 layer is high area, directly by the water pump water supply, building water supply system by introducing pipe, water meter nodes, water supply pipeline, water equipment, water equipment, etc. Feed water riser pipe selects the PPR pipe, the highest daily water after 50 m/h, 4.16 L/s design second flow. Building drainage system using sludge wastewater confluence system, indoor drainage system is mainly composed of sanitary ware, drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, inspection, cleaning, outdoor drainage pipe, inspection Wells, etc. Choose UPVC pipe drainage riser pipe, four set drainage riser, high area two drainage riser set special ventilation tube, sewage wastewater is directly discharged into sewer drainage riser. Because of this design is a comprehensive office building, combined with the technical and economic considerations, common external drainage is used in the construction of rainwater system. Rainwater system is mainly composed of list of ditch and rain, rain fell to the roof the roof collector to the gutter, and then set into a certain distance along the outside wall insulation of rain pipe to the ground or water mouth. Storm sewer pipes use galvanized iron hoses. Fire hydrant system is pided into the design of indoor fire hydrant system and outdoor fire hydrant system, outdoor fire hydrant system design flow of 30 l/S, the outdoor fire hydrant water ring network, a total of 6 sets of outdoor fire hydrant, indoor fire hydrant system design flow 40 l/S, pressurized water supply with constant pressure pump, indoor fire is pided into two partitions, low area: 1 to 4 layers, zone 5 to 17 floors, low area by the 4 layer pressure reducing valve and pressure relief water supply, and high area in 5 and 17 layer vertical loop network, low area in 4 and 1 layer vertical cyclization, ensure that fire hydrant water supply reliability, the basement for fire hydrant fire pool and share flowing system, roof water tank for the fire hydrant system and share flowing system, effective volume of 30 m after, is located in the seventeenth people platform layer. This design building for comprehensive office building, considering the pipeline   办公楼的建筑给水排水的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_48743.html
