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时间:2019-09-24 20:23来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 临川;贸易;交通;公路
Design overall direction
Linchuan of  is located in north, edges of the songnen plains. The map of heilongjiang like volant hover swan, and Linchuan are in heart prominent place swan. North of central city, the regional economy is China's most northern railway, highway gridlocked traffic hub, ha north, neat north, north black three railway lines and black big, grinding north, the crane Lebanon, four provincial highways immersion in north Linchuan intersection. International trade between China and Russia, eastern Europe is the vital thoroughfare turnover stood. For nearly a decade highway construction investment 7.6 billion yuan, the city's 100% village road, a total of passenger line 110 bar, passenger vehicles in Taiwan, 91 for 80 million passengers. Freight vehicles 637 stage. In recent years, Linchuan city construction pace quickened. City already built within ten "five longitudinal and transverse", ease convenient pattern. Black and white and pavement cover area. The bus traversing urban main sections. Male iron overpasses, make interlaced built in railways, highways continuous vehicles on unimpeded. The region ground ups and downs, hills, belong to the mountains, continuous high on only DengWaiLu against urban associate and foreign development along the sand material, rich, have small quarry and lime factory, provides good subbase materials, construction when can adjust measures to local conditions, use local materials; This project is little ridge town after the completion of the main highways, can not only ease traffic situation, development, and promoting regional economic expansion of small factory production enterprises, so can mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses road, through a variety of channels, many forms of raise money, therefore, in order to achieve a convenient and quick, promote economic development request, necessary, have the ability to build a level higher traded between the highway. 
1  设计概况1
1.1  设计任务•••1
1.2  任务要求•••1
1.3  设计资料、参数•1
1.4  自然地理条件•••1
2  路线平面设计2
2.1  选线•••2
2.1.1  选线原则•••2
2.1.2  选线成果•••2 101国道临川段公路设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_39737.html