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时间:2018-09-26 18:43来源:毕业论文

 关键词  办公楼   空调设计   通风   风机盘管   一次回风
Title       Air conditioning engineering design    of a building in Changsha                    
This subject is to design for an office building of a company’s production base which is located in an economic development zone in Changsha, Hunan province. The building has 9 floors on the ground and 1 underground. Its site area is about 11000 square meters and its building height is 31.4 meters. This building is a type-two high-rise building. My design consists of three parts: the smoke emission design, the air conditioning design and the heat and cold source design. According to the actual drawing, I choose the air-cooled heat pump for central hot and cold source, the all-air system with primary return air for the business office and the entrance hall, the fan-coil with fresh air system for the conference room, the computer room, the production team, the business reception, the restaurant and the office rooms. With the actual drawings, according to the requirement of the design, I adopt the natural smoke ventilation for all rooms and also for the smoke discharge of internal corridors.
Keywords  office building     air conditioning system design   ventilation   fan-coil units    primary return air
1  绪论    1
1.1  采暖通风与空气调节的含义    1
1.1.1  采暖    1
1.1.2  通风    1
1.1.3  空气调节    1
1.2  采暖通风与空气调节的工作原理    1
1.3  采暖通风与空气调节技术的前景    2
2  设计概况    3
2.1  土建资料    3
2.2  气象资料    6
2.3  室内设计参数    7
2.4  设计应遵守的相关规范、标准及规定    7
3  负荷计算    8
3.1  冬季热负荷计算    8
3.1.1  围护结构基本耗热量    8
3.1.2  附加热负荷    8
3.1.3  冬季空调新风负荷计算    9
3.2  夏季冷负荷计算    10
3.2.1  文护结构逐时传热形成的冷负荷    10
3.2.2透过玻璃窗的日射得热形成的冷负荷    12
3.2.3室内热源散热引起的冷负荷    12
3.2.4夏季新风冷负荷    14
3.3  湿负荷计算    15
3.4  负荷汇总    15
4  空调系统的选择和确定    17
5  空调设备的选择和确定    18
5.1  全空气一次回风送风处理过程以及送风参数计算    18 长沙市某办公楼空调工程设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_23478.html