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时间:2017-01-07 16:39来源:毕业论文
In the design of new air inlet using a fixed waterproof blinds to prevent rainwater from entering. In accordance with the actual situation of the working area, workshop and walkways with a square diff

In the design of new air inlet using a fixed waterproof blinds to prevent rainwater from entering. In accordance with the actual situation of the working area, workshop and walkways with a square diffuser, office organization with side air flow, and the choice of double louver outlet; airflow used to send back the way; return air duct in the ceiling were are arranged so that the duct arrangement has the advantage of reduced investment, and does not take up floor area, and decoration coordination easier.
The design includes: air-conditioning cooling and heating load calculation; air-conditioning systems to identify and argumentation; air condition parameters and determine the amount of air; air handling equipment selection; cold source selection and equipment selection; airflow calculation; hydraulic calculation; Other equipment selection; insulation, vibration and noise elimination and so on.
Air conditioning system design used in office buildings, but also to combine the characteristics of buildings to conform wind speed, temperature, humidity, and human comfort, is conducive to office staff to better and efficient work. So fully consider reasonable airflow, temperature, humidity and pressure control and energy saving measures to make the design more reasonable and in line with national standards, to meet the requirements of owners.
作为世界上最大的发展中国家,我国的能源蕴藏量位居世界前列,同时也是世界第二大能源生产国与消费国。能源供应持续增长,为经济社会发展提供了重要的支撑。能源消费的快速增长,为世界能源市场创造了广阔的发展空间。中国已经成为世界能源市场不可或缺的重要组成部分,对文护全球能源安全,正在发挥着越来越重要的积极作用。 中国能源资源有以下特点:
 能源资源开发难度较大。与世界相比,中国煤炭资源地质开采条件较差,大部分储量需要井工开采,极少量可供露天开采。石油天然气资源地质条件复杂,埋藏深,勘探开发技术要求较高。未开发的水力资源多集中在西南部的高山深谷,远离负荷中心,开发难度和成本较大。非常规能源资源勘探 动力车间冷热源设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_1964.html