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时间:2018-07-04 21:24来源:毕业论文

 Commercial Complex Landscape Planning and Design
Abstract: The commercial complex is a combination of the commercial, office, residence, hotel, exhibition, catering, conference, entertainment and transportation in the city, and establishes a multi-functional and efficient complex of interdependent and mutually beneficial dynamic relationship between different parts. In the material flow, the flow of people into some harmony, let the soul to open space, it is a very necessary and important work to improve the temperament and adjust the urban rhythm. And the establishment of organic reading space in organic commercial complex can play such a role. This design will study how to place multi-functional convertible and mobile reading space vector in the commercial complex. To meet the leisure and reading space of various social activities such as sightseeing, shopping, and simple adaptation according to site requirements, into temporary venues for holding parties, exhibitions, etc.This paper starts from the human psychology and behavior, analyzes the contact way of the organic interaction between human psychology and behavior, looking for the expression of humanization space, and discusses the logic and method of humanization space design in architectural space design.
Key words: commercial complex;organic;humanistic space;read;outdoors
 目  录
Key words1
1 商业综合体2
1.1 商业综合体概念 2
1.2 商业综合体特点 2
1.3 我国商业综合体的发展概况 2
1.3.1 历史发展简况 2
1.3.2 南京新街口调研2
2 阅读空间 4
2.1 阅读空间的定义 4
2.2 城市阅读空间的发展 5
2.2.1 阅读空间的演变5
2.2,2 城市阅读空间的发展现状 5
2.3 书籍阅读的困局 6
3 户外阅读空间 6
3.1 户外阅读空间提出与辨析 6
3.1.1 文化层面 6
3.1.2 景观层面 6
3.1.3 城市发展层面 6
3.2 国外户外阅读空间研究状况 7
3.3 国内户外阅读空间研究状况 8
3.4 小结 9
4 商业综合体阅读空间景观设计 10
4.1 人书关系的置换10
4.2 “开放书架”的案例分析11
4.3 社会职能的叠加11
4.4 空间表达的异同11
4.5 设计原则的确立11
4.5.1 功能性与艺术性的同样11
4.5.2 私密性与公共性的融合11
5 结语12
6 规划设计说明14
6.1 项目背景14
6.1.1 区位分析14
6.1.2 项目概况14
6.1.3 项目现状分析14
6.1.4 社会背景14
6.2 设计原则与依据 15
6.2.1设计原则 15 商业综合体景观规划设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_18846.html