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时间:2018-05-23 10:57来源:毕业论文

The history of brick building repair technology
in Shanghai area
Abstract: Shanghai because of its special geographical location and special history, to its historic architecture has a history of more humanities value.Shanghai historical building is the development of modern Shanghai City legacy of the object, its own development often depends on the level of productivity development, reflect the social situation, so it is the study of the development of Shanghai City good physical certificates. Subject to the Shanghai international fashion center repair technology as a typical case, discussed the brick and historical buildings repair technology. When repairing buildings, the need to reduce the degree of intervention on it. Not easily abandon the original construction and materials. Should forge against all forms of life, history, the repair and reconstruction of complete. The maximum protection of the nature of building. The protection of historic buildings are left to our task is to avoid them being destroyed, we need to retain, maintenance, rescue our building, so that it can be kept for a long time.
Keywords:Simple Brick Buildings; Techniques For Restoration; integrity;permanent;
目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
0 绪论    1
1 上海历史建筑概述    2
1.1 上海历史建筑沿革    2
1.1.1 历史建筑保护法规的探寻    2
1.1.2 历史建筑概念辨析    2
1.1.3 上海市优秀历史建筑概述    2
1.2 上海历史建筑的特性    3
1.2.1 历史性    3
1.2.2 艺术性    3
1.2.3 科学性    6
1.3 上海历史建筑的保护原则    6
1.3.1 保护原则    6
1.3.2 修缮原则    6
1.4 上海历史建筑修缮保护的主要成果    7
1.4.1 立法保护优秀历史建筑    7
1.4.2 公布需保护的四批优秀历史建筑    8
1.4.3 用管理体系提高历史建筑的保护    8
2 历史建筑的保护修缮技术    9
   2.1 外立面保护修缮技术    9
2.1.1 建筑风格分类    9
2.1.2 按材料和施工工艺分类    9
2.1.3 外立面保护修缮常用传统技术    11
2.1.4 外立面保护修缮的新技术    11
2.2 建筑结构的临时保护措施及拆除技术    12
2.2.1 建筑构件的临时保护措施    12
2.2.2 拆除技术    12
2.3 结构施工工艺与技术    12
2.3.1 历史建筑结构加固原则    13
2.3.2 混凝土结构加固    13
2.3.3 砌体结构加固    13
2.3.4 钢结构加固    13
       2.3.5 木结构加固    13
    2.4 建材清洗技术    14 上海地区砖木历史建筑修缮技术初探:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_16168.html