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时间:2018-05-19 16:39来源:毕业论文
The combustion performance level engineering decoration materials for ceiling, wall: a B1 class, B1 class, cut off the ground for B2, fixed furniture grade B2, grade B1, curtain curtain is the B2 leve

The combustion performance level engineering decoration materials for ceiling, wall: a B1 class, B1 class, cut off the ground for B2, fixed furniture grade B2, grade B1, curtain curtain is the B2 level, B2 level, furniture,bedspread fabric is B2, other decoration materials for the B1 class. Each layer is equipped with 12 MF/ABC5 fire extinguisher.
Fire danger rating of this engineering is a dangerous level I. All parts of places are using central branch network wet automatic fire-extinguishing sprinkler system, the nozzle is closed glass ball sprinkler, the pipe flange connection.Water supply piping system into a ring. The nozzle working pressure is 0.1MPa, water density is 6 L/min.m2. Effect of area 160m2. Maximum protection area of the single nozzle for 12.5m2. Nozzle flow coefficient of 80.The nozzle working pressure of 0.088MPa. The design of all the nozzles arranged in square. The nozzle length selection 3.4m. Protection area of 11.5m ². The number of nozzles in the area into 14. The maximum number of nozzles per row is 13, the design flow for 21.603L/s system.
The tower height of 236.2m, automatic fire alarm system to protect the object class is super. Smoke preventing staircase lobby, lobby, fire elevator elevator and fire smoke preventing staircase in room separate partition detection area.Place the intelligent photoelectric smoke detectors, detectors were arranged using a point type fire detector. Detector protection area is 60m2, the radius of protection is 5.8m. Detection area required to set the number of detectors for48. Each floor is a manual alarm button, arranged in the staircase area,against a wall, the bottom margin of the ground height of 1.3m.
Key Words:Tower;fire protection design;high-rise building; fire safety
1 绪论    1
1.1 设计工程背景    1
1.2 超高层建筑的火灾危险性    1
1.3 建筑基本概况    1
1.4 设计内容    2
1.4.1 确定超高层建筑塔楼部分消防设计方案    2
2 建筑总平面消防设计    3
2.1 建筑分类和耐火等级判定    3
2.2 高层建筑消防车道的要求    4
2.3 总平面设计内容    4
2.4 设计小结    4
3 建筑平面消防设计    5
3.1 防火分区划分    5
3.2 防烟分区划分    5
3.2.1防烟设计的基本原则    5
3.2.2防烟分区设置方法    5
3.3 防火分区、防烟分区设计内容    5
3.4 设计小结    8
4 安全疏散设计    9
4.1 疏散安全出口的布置    9
4.2 安全疏散距离    9
4.3 安全疏散设计    9
4.3.1 消防电梯    9
4.4 安全疏散设计内容    10
4.5 设计小结    10
5 室内装修防火设计    11
5.1 室内装修级别    11
5.2 装修部位要求    11
5.3 装修设计内容    13
5.4 设计小结    13
6 室内消防给水系统设计    14
6.1 室内消火栓布置    14
6.2 消火栓栓口所需水压计算    14
6.4 室内消火栓给水管网设计及水力计算    15
6.4.1 室内消火栓水力计算    15
6.5 消火栓设计内容    15
6.5.1 消火栓间距的确定    15
6.5.2 消火栓管网水力计算    16
6.5.3 消防水箱有效体积的计算    19
6.5.4 消防水泵扬程及流量    20
6.6 设计小结    21 某超高层建筑塔楼部分消防设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_15957.html