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时间:2019-04-30 22:02来源:毕业论文
2.the introduction of modern industrial design and Application of 2.1 The introduction of modern design Mainly refers to the modern design concept of green design, human design, product semantics of s

2.the introduction of modern industrial design and Application of

2.1 The introduction of modern design
Mainly refers to the modern design concept of green design, human design, product semantics of system design and product design. In the design, these corresponding to the main design concepts are embodied in: the environment, should reflect concern for the environment; in human use, should reflect on the person's care; in product semantics, we must reflect the cultural heritage; in brand management level, to pay attention to the inherent quality products, making the design as an effective means of brand marketing. Links to free papers Download Center 3.2 Application of modern design Modern design concept in the Design of machine tools are the following aspects.

2.2.1 green design
Modern green design, Technology and Culture from the people caused by environmental and ecological damage reflection. For industrial designs, 3R principle is the core of green design. The so-called 3R is: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. Green design into account product life cycle in every aspect: from creative concept to product manufacturing, transportation, from the products used by consumers to the
final product recall. to ensure that every aspect of minimal impact on the environment. For the machine tool products, green design is reflected in most of the most common about two aspects:
1) design for disassembly
Design for disassembly is the product easy to disassemble and recycle materials and components from the re-use design for maximum profit, is the green one of the main elements of product design. For example, the design of the machine can be used instead of screw connection such as welding and riveting. thread connection is not only easy installation and reliable connection, that with repeated use features. In order to reduce the number of parts, but also an integrated structure with screws instead of regular screws and washers, lock ashers and so on. disassembly design principles: one is to reduce the workload of demolition; the second is easy to remove, separate; third is multi-standard parts.  
2) Design for recycling
Design for recycling is also one of the main elements of green design is to be considered early in product design, recycling and reuse of its components the possibility that other new products can take advantage of used or waste product components and materials .

2.2.2 People-oriented, pay attention to human design
Human design, is to design the people. He is against the functionalist design defects, proposed design should not be the machine's capabilities as a starting point, but rather to people as a design starting point. To the people on the use of the product based on the machine services can be a good man. With technological development, social progress, the product of human nature that people are increasingly high requirements, especially those relating to the safety of people using the design - such as the design of machine tools - in this area more demanding. People-oriented, focusing on human nature there are two concepts: First, consistent with human scale; the second is to have a good interface. Meet the human scale, requiring agricultural product design process, can be used provided ergonomics data, the operator of the
space, the operating table and so the level of comprehensive consideration. such as the operation of CNC machine tool design space, it is necessary under the dynamic relationship between people in the operation to determine the size of the space is reasonable or not. Second, good interface, can be more convenient to operate, fast, safe and reliable. 2.2.3 To take into account the cultural characteristics
Product Semantics tells us, the product not only has his physical features, but also reflects a certain cultural characteristics. Machine design is like to do the wedding dress the bride, the bride's wedding dress up not only the beautiful bride, and the most to reflect the national characteristics and rich cultural connotations. in the pursuit of scientific value of the machine, while the pursuit of artistic and cultural value, and even personality traits into one 机床设计英文文献和中文翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_32816.html