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ASP.NET Web应用程序英文文献和中文翻译

时间:2019-04-07 20:59来源:毕业论文
Investigating Factors Influencing the ResponseTime in ASP.NET Web Applications Software developers faced a new challenge in the middle of the past decade, asthe World Wide Web became more and more popular. New, easy-to-use and userfriendly n

Investigating Factors Influencing the ResponseTime in ASP.NET Web Applications
   Software developers faced a new challenge in the middle of the past decade, asthe World Wide Web became more and more popular. New, easy-to-use and userfriendly network applications had to be developed to fulfill the persified needsof the enormous and growing user community. On the other hand, the web andits services became an important sector in business world as well, because of thelarge number of potential customers.34370
   Static contents, based on simple HTML pages were not sufficient any more.New frameworks and programming environments were released to aid the developmentof complex web applications and to support building services offering dynamic content. These new languages, programming models and techniquesare in widespread use nowadays, thus developing such applications is not theonly issue anymore: operating, maintenance and performance questions became of key importance. One of the most important factors is performance, because network systems have to face a large number of users, but they have to provide high availability services with low response times, in a cost-effective way.Thus performance measurements, bottleneck analysis, scalable design etc. Are key concepts in the field of networking.
   One of the most prominent technologies of distributed systems and network applications today is Microsoft .NET . Our primary goal was to investigate factors influencing the response time, because it is the only performance metricto which the users are directly exposed. We tested a portal with concurrent usersessions, focusing on the effect of different thread pool attributes onperformance.The measurement results are analyzed using statistical methods.
   We have implemented a test web application, which is a real-world ASP.NETweb site . We have slightly modified it to suit the needs of the measurementprocess. The application server and the database server run on the same PC.A test environment was designed to use the most up-to-date hardware and tomodify the database accesses. The effect of database was minimized to avoid thedatabase to be the bottleneck of the system. Thus we were able to measure theperformance of the web application only. This can be achieved if the threads are
sent to sleep instead of some accesses to the database.
   The web server is Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 [with ASP.NET1.1 runtime environment , one of the most frequent technologies among commercialplatforms. The database management system is SQL Server 2000 withService Pack 3. The server runs on a 2.8 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor withHyper-Threading technology enabled. It has 1GB of system memory; the operatingsystem is Windows Server 2003.
   The emulation of the browsing clients and the measuring of the responsetime is performed by Application Center Test (ACT), a load generator runningon another PC on a Windows XP Professional computer with Service Pack 2installed. It runs on a 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor with Hyper-Threadingtechnology enabled, and it also has 1GB system memory. The connection amongthe computers is provided by a 100 Mb/s network.
   ACT  is a well usable stress testing tool included in Visual Studio .NETEnterprise and Architect Editions. The test script can be recorded or manuallycreated. Each test run takes 5 minutes and 1 minute warm-up time for the loadto reach a steady-state. At the same time 50 simultaneous browser connections(virtual users) send a list of HTTP requests to the web server concurrently. Inthe user scenario sleep times are included to simulate the realistic usage of theApplication.
调查在ASP.NET Web应用程序中影响响应时间的因素
软件开发商面临在过去十年中的一个新的挑战,万文网变得越来越受欢迎。新的易于使用和用户友好的网络应用已被开发用来满足巨大的和不断增长的用户社区多元化的需求。另一方面,网络及其服务因为大量的潜在客户成为商业世界的一个重要部门。论文网 ASP.NET Web应用程序英文文献和中文翻译:http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_31846.html