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时间:2021-06-20 09:43来源:毕业论文
The layout of the sewage treatment plant should consider the terrain of the area where the plant is located, and try to reasonably layout according to the leading wind direction in Shanghai.and try to

The layout of the sewage treatment plant should consider the terrain of the area where the plant is located, and try to reasonably layout according to the leading wind direction in Shanghai.and try to save the land. ,Considering the nasty smell,office buildings and other living areas in the sewage treatment plant should be placed away from sludge treatment areas. Sewage treatment plant area should be punctured green and try not to waste any one space. For the overall construction costs of the sewage treatment plant, the overall economic benefits of the sewage treatment plant should be taken into account in view of the cost of construction, labor costs, and dosing fees.

This design includes the size calculation of the various parts of the structures, as well as the layout of the pipes. At the same time, I should draw the drawings of structures according to the calculated size, draw the plan according to the principle of layout, draw the elevation map according to the calculation results.

Keywords: domestic sewage;Urban sewage treatment plant;Biological treatment;Reversed A2/O


1概述 1

1.1 设计依据及设计任务 1

1.1.1 设计任务 1

1.1.2 设计依据 1

1.1.3 设计原则 1

1.2 设计水量及水质 1

1.2.1 设计水量 1

1.2.2 进出水水质 1

1.3 设计去除效率 2

2国内外研究动态 2

2.1 国内研究动态 2

2.2 国外研究动态 3

3方案及技术路线 3

3.1 方案论证 3

3.1.1 氧化沟 4

3.1.2 A+ A2/O 4

3.1.3 倒置A2/O 4

3.2 方案确定 5

3.3 技术路线 5

3.4 工艺流程图 5

3.5 污泥处理 6

3.5.1污泥处理的目的 6

3.5.2污泥处理工艺选择 6

4单体构筑物设计计算 6

4.1 粗格栅 6

4.1.1 设计原则和参数确定 6

4.1.2 计算 6

4.1.3 设备选型 8

4.2 进水泵房 8

4.3 曝气沉砂池 9

4.3.1 设计说明 9

4.3.2 设计参数 9

4.3.3 计算 10

4.4 初沉池 11

4.4.1 设计说明 11

4.4.2 设计参数 12

4.4.3计算 12

4.5 倒置A2/O反应池 15

4.5.1 设计说明 15

4.5.2 设计参数 15

4.5.3 计算 16

4.6 二沉池 23

4.6.1 设计说明 城市污水处理厂A2/O工艺优化设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_77348.html
