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时间:2019-06-01 11:31来源:毕业论文
The design is feasible in technology and reasonable in economic. The investment cost is about RMB 502 million and the treatment cost of per ton water is RMB 0.24 yuan / day. The entire design process

The design is feasible in technology and reasonable in economic. The investment cost is about RMB 502 million and the treatment cost of per ton water is RMB 0.24 yuan / day. The entire design process can use less area. The design has the advantages of less cost, stable operation, less secondary pollution to ensure that the treatment water achieves water standard, disposal with good effect, simple process, covering less area, stable operation and less energy consumption.
The treated water is excepted to achieve the effluence standard in the country, which is as 
following: COD≤100mg/L ,BOD≤30mg/L, SS≤30mg/L, TN≤35mg/L, NH3-N≤20mg/L, TP≤3mg/L according to the《Municipal wastewater treatment plant emission standards(GB 18918-2002). It is estimated to reduce discharging to environment each year CODcr 98600ton. aEnvironmental benefits and social benefits are obvious. It will increase the ratio of removal in Shanghai. It will give full play and show the functions completely of defending water body.
Keyword:  waste water treatment; Anoxic/Oxic process; activated sludge
1绪论    1
1.1 课题背景    1
1.2 地理及气象条件    1
1.3 设计依据与原则    2
1.3.1 设计依据    2
1.3.2 设计原则    2
1.4 设计规模及目标    3
2污水处理工艺的研究    3
2.1 污水处理的方法    3
2.1.1 按作用机理分类    3
2.1.2 按处理程度分类    4
2.2 污水处理工艺的分析    4
2.2.1 预处理工艺分析    4
2.2.2 污水生物法处理工艺分析    6
2.2.3 二次沉淀工艺分析    11
2.3 设计方案的确定    12
2.3.1 工艺流程的确定    12
2.3.2 预期处理效果    13
3.设计说明    14
3.1 工艺说明    14
3.1.1 细格栅    14
3.1.2 曝气沉砂池    14
3.1.3 A/O生物池    15
3.1.4 平流式沉淀池    15
3.1.5 污泥浓缩池    16
3.1.6 紫外线消毒池    16
3.1.7 污泥泵房    16
3.2 设计计算    16
3.2.1 细格栅    17
3.2.2 曝气沉砂池    20
3.2.3 A/O生物池    24
3.2.4 平流沉淀池    31
3.2.5 污泥浓缩池    33
3.3 污泥厂区高程布置    35
3.3.1 总平面设计    35
3.3.2 高程布置    35
3.4 工程经济技术分析    39
3.4.1 土建费用、主要设备材料费用及运输车辆费用    39
3.4.2 运行费用    41
4. 环境保护、节能、厂内消防、安全生产及劳动保护    44
4.1 环境保护    44
4.1.1 臭气污染排放控制措施    44
4.1.2 噪声影响控制措施    44
4.1.3 污泥处置    45
4.1.4 固体废物处置    45
4.2 节能    45
4.3 厂内消防    45
4.4 安全生产及劳动保护    46
5.结论与建议    47
致谢    48
参考文献    49
附录    51
1.1 课题背景
上海地处长三角洲边缘,我国南北海岸的中心,中心位置位于北纬31度14分,东京121度29分,其北界长江,东濒东海,南邻杭州湾,西接富庶的江苏、浙江两省,正当我国南北海岸线的中部,交通便利,地理位置十分优越,是世界第三大港和中国最大的港口。 某生活污水处理厂A/O法工艺设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_34016.html