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时间:2020-01-01 21:08来源:毕业论文
In the overall layout of sewage treatment plant,we have been taking the plane and vertical arrangements coordination into consideration.In the context of meeting the treatment scheme,the plane layout

  In the overall layout of sewage treatment plant,we have been taking the plane and vertical arrangement's coordination into consideration.In the context of meeting the treatment scheme,the plane layout of plant mainly use the original topography,to achieve the target of layout reasonably and compact,in-outflow smoothly,land using economically.According to the living、leisure building,office area,afforestation area and etc,we have already made a comprehensive plan.Due to the heavy smell of sludge area,we put it in the low-lying and blow the summer prevailing wind direction.The construction costs of the sewage treatment plant are supposed to take the depreciation rate of main equipment,civil work costs,artificial cost, cost of pipeline and etc into account,and thus help us to make the overall economic efficiency analysis.

  In this project design,I have consulted a large number of relevant literature and made a reference to other sewage treatment plant's running experience.By a great deal of calculation and comparison,I have continuous made a modification and improvement in view of the deficiency in design,making the outflow water quality satisfy the standard.The whole process flows are in accord with the real concepts,and both inpidual structure's design and parameters selection are meet the standards.The in-outflow water pipes calculation are in the content,and water elevation calculation listed in the attached table.Through the design of many weeks,I have basically completed the tasks of project design.

Key words:Sewage treatment;A/A/O(anaerobic-anoxia-aerobic);Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus

目  录

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题目的与意义 1

1.2 设计任务及资料 1

1.2.1 设计课题 1

1.2.2 设计资料 1

1.2.3 设计任务 2

2 污水处理厂工艺流程的确定 3

2.1 设计概况 3

2.2 处理程度 3

2.3 工艺流程选定 3

2.3.1 工艺流程对比 3

2.3.2 工艺设计原则 6

3 单元构筑物的设计与计算 7

3.1 泵前格栅的设计 7

3.1.1 概述 7

3.1.2 格栅设计参数 7

3.1.3 格栅计算 7

3.2 污水提升泵站的设计 9

3.2.1 泵房形式与工艺布置 9

3.2.2 设计参数 9

3.2.3 水泵与电机选择 9

3.2.4 吸水与压水管路设计 10

3.3 曝气沉砂池的设计 10

3.3.1 沉砂池设计参数 11

3.3.2 沉砂池设计计算 11

3.3.3 沉砂池管路设计 12

3.4 初沉池的设计 13

3.4.1 初沉池的选择 13

3.4.2 设计参数 14

3.4.3 设计计算 14

3.5 A/A/O池设计 17

3.5.1 工艺方法验证 日处理10万吨城市污水厂的工艺设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_44394.html
