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时间:2019-06-09 15:15来源:毕业论文

 Tongda company office building air conditioning design
This design is tongda company office building air conditioning, the building is a total of four layers on the ground.Office building has a staff activity room, lounge and other large space room, also has offices, sundry room, such as the small room space.Every 3 m high, a total of 12 m, 1 to 4 floor area were 1291.8m2, 1185.21m2, 1106.57m2, 1291.8 m2, a total of 4640.95 m2..
Master plan for the design of economic, reasonable and standard of central air conditioning system, is for indoor staff to provide a comfortable working environment.This design content includes: the calculation of air conditioning cooling load; The scheme of system adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air system independently,For a variety of air conditioning system is chosen for the economic and technical comparison analysis, the design and calculation of wind system,Set up according to the size of the room diffuser is sent in the form of measurement,It effectively for dehumidification and meet the demand of air volume, the advantages of low noise, easy control, etc;Calculation and application of fan coil units and air duct; Design, layout and hydraulic calculation of water system, water, water supply, the calculation of condenser pipe, this design USES a water pipe layout with program; Toilet exhaust system pipeline calculation and design.
This design according to relevant specification is given priority to with considering energy saving and comfort requirements, the design of air conditioning system adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air system.
Key words: air conditioning system, air conditioning scheme, heat and cold load, water chiller, fan coil plus fresh air
1 工程概况    1
1.1 设计原始资料    1
1.2 设计依据    1
1.2.1 城市概况:    1
1.2.2 室外设计参数:    1
1.2.3 室内设计参数:    1
2 空调系统方案确定    3
2.1 空调系统设计的基本原则    3
2.2 空调系统方案的比较    3
2.3 空调系统方案的确定    4
3 负荷计算    6
3.1 冷负荷构成及计算原理    6
3.1.1 文护结构瞬变传热引起的冷负荷    6
3.1.2 透过玻璃窗的日射得热引起的冷负荷    6
3.1.3 玻璃窗瞬变传热引起的冷负荷    6
3.1.4 屋面瞬时传热引起的冷负荷    7
3.1.5 人体的冷负荷    7
3.1.6 内文护结构的冷负荷    7
3.2 新风冷负荷    7
3.3 湿负荷的计算方法    7
3.4各层房间的负荷计算    7
4 空气处理过程与计算    10
4.1  空气处理过程计算原理    10
4.2新风量的确定    11
4.2.1 确定新风量的依据    11
4.3新风量的计算    11
4.4 新风负荷    12
5 气流组织    13
5.1 气流组织的形式    13
5.2风口型式的确定    13
5.2.1 送风方式及送风口的选型    13
5.2.2送风口和回风口型式    13
5.3 气流组织形式确定    14
6 空调设备的选型    15 公司四层办公楼空调设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_34439.html