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时间:2018-06-13 21:48来源:毕业论文
The design elements include: hot and cold air-conditioning load calculation; air-conditioning system and the determination of proof; air supply and air supply parameters of the determination; selectio

The design elements include: hot and cold air-conditioning load calculation; air-conditioning system and the determination of proof; air supply and air supply parameters of the determination; selection of air-handling equipment; cold and heat source of choice and selection of equipment; airflow calculated; hydraulic calculation; other equipment of choice; thermal insulation and vibration and noise reduction, and other content.
The design of hotel building’s air-conditioning system should be combined the characteristics of hotel buildings. The airflow speed, temperature, humidity should reasonable. Staff will feel comfort in this circumstance. This is benefit to get better work efficiency. So take full accounts of reasonable air flow, temperature, humidity and pressure control, energy conservation measures and automatic control system to make the design more reasonable, more in line with national norms, to meet the requirements of owners.
1绪论    1
2 设计依据    2
2.1工程概况    2
2.2设计参数    2
2.3设计依据    2
2.3.1室外气象资料    2
2.3.2室内设计参数    3
2.4围护结构参数    4
2.5设计目的与要求    4
3负荷计算    5
3.1 冷、热、湿负荷的概念    5
3.2冷负荷计算    5
3.2.1外墙和屋面传热冷负荷计算公式    5
3.2.2 外玻璃的温差传热冷负荷    6
3.2.3 外窗太阳辐射冷负荷    6
3.2.4 人体冷负荷    6
3.2.5 灯光与设备冷负荷    7
3.2.6渗透空气显热冷负荷    8
3.2.7伴随散湿过程的潜热冷负荷    8
3.3热负荷计算    9
3.4 冷热负荷计算表    10
4 空调系统方案的确定    12
4.1方案选择原则    12
4.2方案比较    12
4.3方案的确定    14
5 空调设备选型    15
5.1 风机盘管的选择    15
5.1.1 风机盘管机组性能参数    15
5.1.2 风机盘管机组的确定    16
5.2 新风机组选型    17
6 管径的选择    18
6.1 冷媒管的选取    18
6.2冷凝管的考虑    19
7水力计算    20
7.1水力计算概述    20
7.2风管水力计算    20
7.3水管水力计算    23
8结论    28
致谢    29
参考文献    30
本次设计的内容为上海东观大酒店空调系统设计,该建筑位于上海市,具体尺寸见平面图,是集商场、餐饮、娱乐于一体的酒店综合建筑。本大楼为地上十层建筑,地下一层,建筑高度为32.2米。针对该建筑,主要是对一至五层的商场层大厅、餐饮层的餐厅、娱乐层会议室、酒店的标房的室内空气进行中央空调的系统的设计,使之符合风速、温度、湿度及人的舒适性需要。 上海东观大酒店的空调系统设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_17772.html