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时间:2018-05-02 22:40来源:毕业论文
According to the category of the building fire extinguisher layout is decorated, the building is mainly for class A fire equipment room fire for E class at the same time, so choose MF/ABC5 ammonium ph

According to the category of the building fire extinguisher layout is decorated, the building is mainly for class A fire equipment room fire for E class at the same time, so choose MF/ABC5 ammonium phosphate dry powder fire extinguishers, according to the actual size and calculation method to calculate the building fire extinguisher layout protection circle point for 6, each set fire rating of 2 A, each layout point placed two fire extinguishers.
Sprinkler system is an indispensable part of the fire control design, structures according to the national standard to determine the risk level for dangerous light level and choose the wet automatic spray fire-extinguishing system. According to the size of the building automatic spray fire-extinguishing system setting calculation.
Early fire automatic alarm system for fire extinguishing and evacuation has important help, according to the specifications of the design of the smoke fire detector, and the smoke detector to detect bearing to do the calculation, according to the calculation results of smoke detector for each floor to decorate.
Keyword:The total plane of fire prevention design; Fire zone; Fire water system design
目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1 本文的研究背景与意义    1
1.2 宾馆客房火灾主要危险因素分析及防火措施    1
1.2.1 宾馆火灾特点    1
1.2.2宾馆火灾主要危险因素分析    2
1.2.3我国宾馆防火措施    2
1.3 文献综述    3
1.3.1 国内外消防工程的研究现状    3
1.3.2 火灾探测器的国内外研究现状    3
2  建筑总平面防火设计    4
2.1 工程概况    4
2.2 建筑耐火等级确定    4
2.3 防火间距确定    5
2.4消防车道设计    5
3 防火分区设计    7
3.1 防火分区的定义及分类    7
3.2 防火分区的划分原则及方式    7
3.3 防火分区的划分标准    7
3.4 防火分区划分    7
4 消防给水系统设计    9
4.1 消火栓系统的原理及组成    9
4.1.1 系统的设置及工作原理    9
4.1.2 室外消火栓的选型    9
4.1.3 室外消火栓的用水量    9
:4.2 室外消火栓设计方案    9
4.2.1 室外消火栓用水量的确定    9
4.2.2室外消火栓数量确定    10
4.3 室内消火栓系统选择    11
4.4 室内消火栓给水系统计算    11
4.4.1  消火栓水力计算    11
4.4.2消防水池有效容积    16
4.4.3消防水泵扬程及流量    17
5 灭火器的布置    18
5.1 灭火器的选型    18
5.2 灭火器的设置要求    18
5.3 灭火器配置场所火灾危险等级划分和最低配置基准    18
5.4 灭火器配置场所的保护面积计算    19
6 自动喷水灭火系统设计    21
6.1 设置场所火灾危险等级的划分    21
6.2 系统选型及喷头设计    21
6.2.1 系统选型    21
6.2.2 基本参数    21
6.2.3 喷头的布置    22
7 自动报警系统设计    25
7.1 火灾自动报警系统保护对象分级    25
7.2 火灾自动报警系统的选型    25
7.3 火灾探测器的类型及设计    25
7.3.1 探测区域的划分规定    26 宾馆客房楼消防系统设计+文献综述(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_14621.html