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时间:2018-03-17 17:21来源:毕业论文
This design content for the design of Nanjing Dragon Hotel9 floor hotel building in central air conditioning system. One of the hotel building is an important symbol of buildings, its construction lev

This design content for the design of Nanjing Dragon Hotel9 floor hotel building in central air conditioning system. One of the hotel building is an important symbol of buildings, its construction level and equipment level is also a national modernization degree and level of technology. This design according to the characteristics of hotel air conditioning, according to the energy structure and energy in the Nanjing area, the use of the status and the present level of economic development, from the point of view of energy-saving design, design of cold and heat sources of the building.
The Department of architecture of catering, entertainment, accommodation integrated comprehensive building, is a frame structure, located in the Nanjing area, a total of 9 on the ground floor, the floor height of 33.5m, comprehensive hotel load characteristics: a hotel, hotel lobby, with large population flow. A layer of shops along the street with a display window,window larger difference between indoor and outdoor illumination, see the room is dim so often the hotel bottom illumination of very high from outdoor, lighting load due to personnel intensive, fresh air load is large. The hotel is a place of personnel flow, so the temperature and humidity, indoor air cleanness and fresh air volume, pide the calculation process should be fully aware of the building inside and outside the area in the load, and a more accurate calculation of cold, heat load.
The design content includes: Calculation of air condition cold load;determine the air conditioning system design and system; the selection of cold and heat source; air terminal handling equipment selection; design and calculation of the wind system; selected indoor air and airflow organization form; design calculation, water system layout and hydraulic.
1 绪论    1
1.1我国暖通空调的现状    1
1.2暖通空调的节能    1
1.3设计的主要内容    2
2设计说明    2
2.1建筑概况    3
2.2设计参数    3
2.2.1室内设计要求    3
2.2.2室外计算参数    3
2.2.3室内计算参数    4
2.2.4建筑围护结构参数    4
2.2.5主要功能用房的室内负荷指标参数    4
2.3酒店空调特点    5
2.3.1建筑特点    5
2.3.2使用特点    5
3.1空调风系统的方案比较    6
3.2空调水系统的特点    7
3.3系统方案采用    9
3.3.1风机盘管机组在使用过程中应该注意的几个问题    12
4负荷计算    13
4.1夏季冷负荷计算    13
4.2热负荷计算依据    17
4.3冷、湿负荷计算结果    19
5.1新风机组    23
5.2风机盘管    24
5.2.1风机盘管处理过程    25
5.2.2风机盘管的选取    26
6.1水力计算的目的    29
6.2风管水力计算的原理    29
6.3冷水系统的水力计算    30
6.3.1计算依据    30
7.结论    31
参考文献    33
1 绪论
空调系统创造了一个室内舒适的环境,同时也在消耗着大量的能源。据美国对公共建筑和居住建筑能耗的统计,有1/4的建筑能耗用于空调而在我国一般中央空调系统能耗更是约占了整个建筑总能耗的50%左右。我国作为世界公共建筑中的能耗大户,节能迫在眉睫,然而中央空调系统的节能具有很大潜力,在节能减排方面具有深远的实际意义。空调节能不仅是一个技术措施,同时也是与国家节能政策方针密切相关的综合问题。 南京龙宫酒店中央空调系统设计说明书+CAD图纸(2):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_11262.html