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时间:2017-06-10 21:30来源:毕业论文
End the language The building of the key figures has already walked through the history of a hundred years, day appear from it since become the focus of the city, its form moderate breezes space also

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The building of the key figures has already walked through the history of a hundred years, day appear from it since become the focus of the city, its form  moderate breezes space also the continuous development change, although the key figures building of the our country to compare with night, opposite and flourishing and national start, have already obtained the very big achievement, the high building that is like etc. of Peking, Shanghai, Shenzhen city can say that represent the architectural development history of Chinese key figures, the fusion of the high building design and city space also just continuously perfect development.
简介: 随着高层建筑技术的迅速发展,高层建筑已经成为城市空间中不可缺少的元素,成为城市的一道亮丽风景,然而高层建筑与城市空间的融合依然存在一些缺陷。
关键字:建筑设计 城市规划 广场 架空
高层建筑形式在古代就已有了,早在公元前五百多年的古巴比伦曾经建造了现在号称世界七大奇迹之一的“空中花园”,根据记载,其形式非常之华丽壮观,放置在任何空间之中都可以说是一道绝美的风景。近代随着科学技术的发展,尤其是钢铁、电梯的出现以及后来钢筋混凝土的应用,为高层建筑发展创造了前所未有的机遇,高层建筑也成为城市空间中一道独特的风景,其中以美国的高层建筑发展最为活跃,如1885年的芝加哥家庭保险大楼被公认为第一幢摩天建筑,而纽约的曼哈顿区更是高楼云集;近年来我国的高层建筑也发展迅速,如上海的金茂大厦88层,高420.5米。随着结构理论和技术的发展,高层建筑结构形式趋于多样化,高层建筑的表现形式也多种多样,但随之所带来的弊端也越来越多的表现出来,在成为城市风景的同时如何恰当的融入城市空间成为高层建筑设计的一个重要任务,也是使高层建筑设计趋于完善所追求的一种理念。 高层建筑设计与城市空间英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_9023.html