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时间:2021-07-22 21:54来源:毕业论文
2 2.130 1011 x 2) (14) The same evaluations of the limit state functions are conducted on the shear failure of main girders and axial failure of arch ribs as shown by the Eqs. (12)(21). The calculated


− 2.130 ∗ 10−11 x 2) (14)

The same evaluations of the limit state functions are conducted on the shear failure of main girders and axial failure of arch ribs as shown by the Eqs. (12)–(21). The calculated reliability indices for the combination of two loads at the critical locations of girders and of arch ribs are shown in Table 5. With reference to the target reliability index (4 in this case),

4.4.  Limit state function for arch ribs

The axial limit state function is determined from arch rib’s axial strength and external axial force. The Pf of the ultimate limit state is calculated by the Rackwitz–Fiessler method [9]. The limit state function is:

the components are showing adequate safety level.

4.3. The limit state function for shear failure of main girders

The shear strength and shear load are obtained from limited component analysis for fixed and live-load effect. The limit state function was composed of the shear strength and external shear load, which were generated by the fixed and    live-loads

where g() is the limit state function; NGTr is a bias factor; f pu is the axial strength of arch ribs; and ai are the coefficients of the response function.

The resultant fitted response functions for the two load cases at two observation points, P5 and P6, are expressed as the following:

摘要提出了一种拱桥故障模式组合的创新预测方法进行概率风险评估,并与传统系统可靠性分析方法进行比较。 与先前的排列方法或常规的系统可靠性分析方法相比,所提出的方法在于显着减少的时间和努力中揭示了故障模式的各种组合。另外,所建议的方法可以用于通过更具体地预测故障模式来验证系统可靠性。



毕业论文关键词: 失效模式组合;拱桥; 风险评估;系统可靠性;响应面法 



对涉及桥梁和地铁的大型建设项目的每一步(规划、设计、施工和维护)的安全风险评估/管理的需求正在增加,以防止建设项目出现的可能的灾害。近年来,核电站、燃气设施、管道等特殊设施的有效风险评估技术受到广泛关注和关注。有关潜在危险事故的调查和有效的风险评估,如危险性操作方法[ 1 ]已被应用。故障树分析(FTA)技术也用于识别在构造中可能失败的所有可能的事件[2]。 事件树分析(ETA)[3]是一种说明在发生选定的初始故障事件后可能出现的结果序列的方法。

 事件树分析的目的是识别触发事件之后的不期望的事件。 ETA提供了记录事故序列和定义起始事件和后续事件之间的关系的组合的导致事故的精确方法。根据事件的顺序对事故进行排序需要置换计算,这产生大量用于预测故障场景的情况。论文网



 事件树分析的目的是识别触发事件之后的不期望的事件。 ETA提供了记录事故序列和定义起始事件和后续事件之间的关系的组合的导致事故的精确方法。根据事件的顺序对事故进行排序需要置换计算,这产生大量用于预测故障场景的情况。 钢筋混凝土倒T梁采用锚固CFRP片材的修复英文文献和中文翻译(8):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_78834.html
