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时间:2021-07-17 17:07来源:毕业论文
nates so much that catastrophic phase inversion occurs and O/A dispersion becomes A/O, the transition always occur- ring at higher concentrations when oil is dispersed [70]. As a result of these compl

nates so much that catastrophic phase inversion occurs and O/A dispersion becomes A/O, the transition always occur- ring at higher concentrations when oil is dispersed [70]. As a result of these complexities, prediction of phase inversion has also proven elusive.

The simple application of Eq. (19) and (20) would suggest that in geometrically similar systems at equal ¯eT, the same size drops should be produced. On the other hand, some papers report that scale-up at constant tip speed gives simi- lar drop sizes. There are no good theoretical reasons for the latter, but the concept of intermittency is able to explain   it

Figure 11. The different structures of high concen- tration liquid-liquid dis- persions; (a) 54 % water in chlorobenzene showing drops-in-drops (O/A/O) at phase inversion, mean

size ~1.2 mm; (b) 67 % chlorobenzene in water (O/A) at phase inversion, mean size, ~0.5 mm (modified from [70)].

[69]. It is difficult to establish which is correct, but a safe rule would be to use equal ¯eT and reduce speed towards constant tip speed in case drops should be too small. That rule would also ensure that if at small scale a dispersion does not have regions without drops at top or bottom of the STR, a satisfactory dispersion would be achieved on scale- up [12].

For the production of liquid-liquid dispersions and emul- sions, knowledge of the role of soluble surfactants and the impact of wettability, whether of the equipment surface, which may change with scale, or of added fine particles, all of which particularly impact coalescence, are of critical importance, but these topics are beyond the scope of this



1. 导言



STR的第一个明显的例子是由Georg Bauer在1556年6月(图1)出版的关于开采和提取金属技术的书“De Re Metallica(拉丁文关于金属的性质)”中给出的。在许多方面,该图类似于现代STR,其中它具有原动机(在这种情况下是水轮,而不是电动机),齿轮箱以提供适当的速度(在这种情况下,增加旋转速率叶轮,而不是使其减速)和具有六个平叶片的桨,以提供输入到反应器中的能量(每个由木材制成,而不是如上所列的任何现代材料)以实现搅拌。与目前实践相比的主要区别是使用开放式反应器,其中每一个都包含用于从矿石中回收金的汞齐。它不会满足当前的健康和安全工作立法。 搅拌和搅拌反应釜英文文献和中文翻译(11):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_78388.html
