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时间:2017-04-30 09:25来源:毕业论文
(40) into Eqs. ( 4 ) - ( 6 ) and Eqs. (28) and (29), the tooth surfaces of the Helipoid gear are obtained and shown in Fig. 5. Conclusion Hobbing machines are widely used in industry for manufacturing

(40) into Eqs. ( 4 ) - ( 6 ) and Eqs. (28) and (29), the tooth surfaces of the Helipoid gear are obtained and shown in Fig. 5.
  Hobbing machines are widely used in industry for manufacturing different types of gears. Developing of 6-axis CNC hobbing machines makes the manufacturing of gears more efficient and flexible. Besides, it allows for novel type of gears to be developed. In this paper, we have proposed a general gear mathematical model based on the cutting mechanism, geometry of worm-type hob cutter and the theory of gearing. The developed general gear mathematical model can be applied not only to the gears manufactured by the conventional hobbing machines, but also to the noncircular gears and new type of gears with new manufacturing processes. The new type of Helipoid gears has also been proposed here to illustrate the design process and the application of the developed general gear mathematical model.滚齿机的切削原理是一种具有多自由度的切削过程。在本论文中,我们在数控滚齿机和蜗杆型滚刀切削机原理基础上提出了一个数学模型来模拟一般的6轴滚齿机CMC的生成过程,该齿轮数学模型可用于模拟不同类型的齿轮加工,其中列举了一些例子包括验证数学模型。此外,新类型的齿轮名为“Helipoid”,可在交叉轴传动使用,使通用齿轮的数学模型可以更方便的生成,并能更透彻的理解和对该类型装置的发展。
滚齿,成形,及其它特殊用途的机器被广泛用于生产不同类型的齿轮。由于容易对刀,效率高,质量可靠,传统滚齿机被用于制造齿轮,斜齿轮和蜗轮。数控滚齿机的发展使得切削齿轮变得高效率和高精度。一个齿轮坯装卸时间也大大减少。通过使用不同制造过程的数控滚齿机,以新颖的形状可以制造出齿轮传动平行,交叉和交叉轴。然而,数控滚齿机过程是复杂的,由于其刀具复杂的几何形状,以及复杂的刀具设定和多自由度切削运动。到现在为止,这个主题只收到非常有限的关注。大多数调查都是包括在涉及齿轮几何形状的基础上有一个自由度刀架(利特文和蔡,1985;利特文,1989)。多自由度已经很少被人研究。利特温等人(1975年,1994年)提出了多自由度应用到齿轮的理论概念。Chakraborty和Dhande(1977)调查了两个自由度,即Camoid和圆锥形度的空间凸轮的几何形状。此外,蔡和黄(1994)采用了包络理论来研究Camoid几何。此外,Mitome(1981)所使用的理论,研究了圆锥齿轮滚齿。吴(1982)研究了一个具有多自由度滚齿机滚齿的过程。然而,上述模型不能应用到751轴数控滚齿机,因此,不能充分模拟和开发新型齿轮。 CNC滚齿机切削的通用数学模型英文文献和翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_5961.html