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时间:2020-05-31 21:22来源:毕业论文
With many cutting tools/The work piece technical question same place, these latent questions need to state whether dryly adds the ability line. Luckily, has very many ways to elaborate these questions

With many cutting tools/The work piece technical question same place, these latent questions need to state whether dryly adds the ability line. Luckily, has very many ways to elaborate these questions. For example, the compressed air was proven row of filings becomes the question in very many applications the situation to have the successful echo.

Another plan is called MQL (minimum lubrication) a technology, it replaces the traditional refrigerant by the application the quite few oil mists constitution. This is a recognition compromise plan, this kind of minimum technology can large scale reduce the refrigerant the headache matter, moreover the smooth finish which processes in many applications very is also good. This domain still had very many research to do, moreover the cutting tool company positively participated in such research was absolutely essential. If they will not do fall behind the competitor, will be at the disadvantageous position.

In the factory the special details design other perhaps better plan according to the world in. The manufacturing industry jobholders possibly still could ask why they do have to use recent development the technology to replace the refrigerant method diligently which the tradition already an experience number generation of person improved enhances, because implemented especially does the experiment and the defeat which the processing or the subarid processing produced possibly causes the higher short-term cutting tool cost. The concise answer is when the bit probably accounts for the model processing components cost 3%, the refrigerant cost (from purchases to maintenance, storage, processing) can account for the components cost 15%.

Perhaps does the dry processing is not all suits to each application, but above discusses likely other processing questions are same, needs from a wider operation, the environment and the commercial angle appraises. Will be able to help the cutting tool company which the customer will do this to have the competitive advantage, but these will not be able to provide unceasingly is in the passive position.

Cutting tool and nanotechnology

Can fiercely change the cutting tool industry the enchanting new domain is the miniature manufacture, or the processing small granule forms the product which needs. Must refer to is its here does not have about the cutting tool miniature manufacture first matter; Second must say the matter is it is not remote. 

Why the miniature manufacture and are the cutting tool related. Because most main is the particle size smaller, the hard alloy toughness of material better also is more wear-resisting. (Some experts define with the nanometer level pellet for are smaller than 0.2 mu m, but other people persisted a nanometer pellet had to be smaller than the hard alloy tools prototype which 0.1 mu m) made already to complete and the test,It is said that wear resistant theatrically increase. The question is the nanometer level hard alloy pellet cannot depend on the smashing big material formation, they are certain through the smaller material constitution, but processes the molecular level granule is not easy and the economical matter.


