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时间:2020-05-23 16:41来源:毕业论文
三、P0口、P2口和P3的第二功能用法: 初学时往往对P0口、P2口和P3口的第二功能用法迷惑不解,认为第二功能和原功能之间要有一个切换的过程,或者说要


初学时往往对P0口、P2口和P3口的第二功能用法迷惑不解,认为第二功能和原功能之间要有一个切换的过程,或者说要有一条指令,事实上,各端口的第二功能完全是自动的,不需要用指令来转换。如P3.6、P3.7分别是WR、RD信号,当微片理机外接RAM或有外部I/O口时,它们被用作第二功能,不能作为通用I/O口使用,只要一微处理机一执行到MOVX指令,就会有相应的信号从P3.6或P3.7送出,不需要事先用指令说明。事实上‘不能作为通用I/O口使用’也并不是‘不能’而是(使用者)‘不会’将其作为通用I/O口使用。你完全可以在指令中按排一条SETB P3.7的指令,并且当单片机执行到这条指令时,也会使P3.7变为高电平,但使用者不会这么去做,因为这通常会导致系统的崩溃。




堆栈是一个区域,是用来存放数据的,这个区域本身没有任何特殊之处,就是内部RAM的一部份,特殊的是它存放和取用数据的方式,即所谓的‘先进后出,后进先出’,并且堆栈有特殊的数据传输指令,即‘PUSH’和‘POP’,有一个特殊的专为其服务的单元,即堆栈指针SP,每当执一次PUSH指令时,SP就(在原来值的基础上)自动加1,每当执行一次POP指令,SP就(在原来值的基础上)自动减1。由于SP中的值可以用指令加以改变,所以只要在程序开始阶段更改了SP的值,就可以把堆栈设置在规定的内存单元中,如在程序开始时,用一条MOV SP,#5FH指令,就时把堆栈设置在从内存单元60H开始的单元中。一般程序的开头总有这么一条设置堆栈指针的指令,因为开机时,SP的初始值为07H,这样就使堆栈从08H单元开始往后,而08H到1FH这个区域正是8031的第二、三、四工作寄存器区,经常要被使用,这会造成数据的混乱。不同作者编写程序时,初始化堆栈指令也不完全相同,这是作者的习惯问题。当设置好堆栈区后,并不意着该区域成为一种专用内存,它还是可以象普通内存区域一样使用,只是一般情况下编程者不会把它当成普通内存用了。

MCU Description

    SCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU MCU that it was first used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTEL's Z80 is the first designed in accordance

with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller

and dedicated processors haparted ways.

Are 8-bit microcontroller early or 4 bits. One of the most successful is the INTEL 8031, for a simple, reliable and good performance was a lot of praise. Then developed in 8031 out of MCS51 MCU Systems. SCM systems based on this system until now is still widely used. With the increased requirements of industrial control field, began a 16-bit microcontroller, because the cost is not satisfactory but have not been very widely used. After 90 years with the great development of consumer electronics, microcontroller technology has been a huge increase. With INTEL i960 series, especially the later series of widely used ARM, 32-bit microcontroller quickly replace high-end 16-bit MCU status and enter the mainstream market. The traditional 8-bit microcontroller performance have been the rapid increase capacity increase compared to 80 the number of times.  单片机介绍英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_52486.html
