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时间:2020-01-12 20:57来源:毕业论文
▼M4 4.3.9. In the case of the upper deck of a double-deck vehicle the requirements for the centre fr ont seating position shall apply also in the outboard fr ont seating positions. 4.3.10. In the ca


4.3.9.  In   the   case   of the   upper    deck   of a   double-deck   vehicle   

the requirements  for  the  centre  fr ont  seating  position  shall  apply  

also in the outboard fr ont seating positions. 

4.3.10.  In  the  case  of seats  capable   of being  turned  to  or  placed  in  

other orientations, for use when the vehi cle is stationary, the requirements of 

Item  4.3.1  shall  only  apply  to   those  orientations   designated  for 

normal  use  when  the  vehicle  is  travelling  on  a  road,  in  

accordance with  this  Directive.  A   note  to  this  effect  shall  be  

included  in  the information document. 



4.4.  Location for belt anchorages    

4.4.1.  The  location  of the  belt  anc horages  as  laid  down in  point  4.3  

must comply with the following requirements. 

4.4.2.  General  The  belt  anchorages   for  any  one  belt  may  be  located  wholly  in 

the vehicle structure, the s eat structure or any other part of the vehicle or may be 

dispersed between these locations.  Any one belt  anchorage  may  be  used  for attaching  the  ends of two 

adjacent safety belts provided that the test requirements are met. 


4.4.3.  Location of the effective    lowe r belt anchorages (see Apendix 2)  Front    se ats,    vehi cle - ca te gory    M 1 In  motor vehicles  of category  M1 the  angle  α 1  ( other  than  buckle 1 side) shall be within the range of30 to 80º and the angle α 2 (buckle side) shall be within the range of45 to 80º Both angle-requirements shall  be    valid    for    all   normal  travelling  positions  of  the   front  seats. Where at least one ofthe angles α 1  and  α 2  is constant in all nor mal positions ofuse, its value shall be 60 ± 10º 


In  case  of adjustable  seats  with   an  adjusting  device  as described  

in item  1.12,  with  a  seatback  in clination  angle  of less  than  20º  

(see Annex III, figure 1), the angle α 1  may be below the minimum value 

(30º) stipulated above, provided it is not  less than 20º in any normal position of 

use.  R e a r    se at s,    veh i cl e    c a t eg ory    M1

In motor vehicles ofcategory M1the angles  α 1  and  α 2  shall be within the range of30 to 80º for all rear seats. Ifrear seat s are adjustable the above angles shall be valid for all normal travelling positions. 

▼M3  Front    se ats,    vehi cle    cat ego r ies    o t h er    th an    M1 In motor vehicles ofcategories other than M1 the angles α 1  and  α 2  must be between 30 to 80º for all normal travelling positions of the front    seats.    Where   in  the  case  of  front  seats  of   vehicles  with  a maximum vehicle mass  汽车安全带英文文献和中文翻译(8):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_45011.html
