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时间:2019-12-10 20:49来源:毕业论文
return strip_tags($_GET[$name]); if ($_SERVER[REQUEST_METHOD] == POST) return strip_tags($_POST[$name]);} This function could easily be expanded to include cookies in the search for a variable name. I

return strip_tags($_GET[$name]);


return strip_tags($_POST[$name]);}

This function could easily be expanded to include cookies in the search for a variable name. I called it _INPUT because it directly parallels the $_ arrays which store user input. Note also that when using this function, it does not matter whether the page was requested with a GET or a POST method, the code can use _INPUT() and expect the correct value regardless of request method. To use this function, consider the following two lines of code, which both have the same effect, but the second strips the PHP and HTML tags first, thus increasing the security of the script.

$name = $_GET['name');

$name = _INPUT('name');

If data is to be entered into a database, more processing is needed to prevent SQL injection, which will be discussed later.

Executing Code Containing User Input

Another concern when dealing with user data is the possibility that it may be executed in PHP code or on the system shell. PHP provides the eval() function, which allows arbitrary PHP code within a string to be evaluated (run). There are also the system(), passthru() and exec() functions, and the backtick operator, all of which allow a string to be run as a command on the operating system shell.

Where possible, the use of all such functions should be avoided, especially where user input is entered into the command or code. An example of a situation where this can lead to attack is the following command, which would display the results of the command on the web page.

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