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时间:2019-09-24 19:54来源:毕业论文
Energy and exergy analysis of a ground source(geothermal) heat pump system. Energ Convers Manage 2004;45:73753.[7] Ozgener L, Hepbasli A, Dincer I. Energy and exergy analysis of geothermaldistrict hea

Energy and exergy analysis of a ground source(geothermal) heat pump system. Energ Convers Manage 2004;45:737–53.[7] Ozgener L, Hepbasli A, Dincer I. Energy and exergy analysis of geothermaldistrict heating systems: Application. Build Environ 2005;40:1309–22.[8] Dunn GN, Knight IP, Hitchin ER. Measuring system efficiencies of liquid chillerand direct expansion. ASHRAE J 2005;47(2):26–33.[9] Zmeureanu R, Pasqualetto L, Bilas F. Comparison of cost and energy savings inan existing large building as predicted by three simulation programs. BuildingSimulation Conference; 1995. Madison: Wisconsin.[10] Performance Compliance for Buildings. National Research Council Canada(NRCC). Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes; 1998, Ottawa.[11] Klein SA. Engineering Equation Solver (EES). F-Chart Software 2004, Madison:Wisconsin.[12] Lafrance G. INRS-Energie. Personal communication; 2006.[13] Electricity Generation Sector. Quebec. Office of Energy Efficiency. NaturalResources Canada. 2005. See also: <http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/corporate/statistic、s/>.[14] AIE. Power station efficiency. Australia Institute of Energy, 1988. See also:<www.aie.org.au/melb/material/resource/pwr-eff.htm>.[15] Kannan R, Tso CP, Osman R, Ho HK. LCA–LCCA of oil fired steam turbine powerplant in Singapore. Energ Convers Manage 2004;45(18-19):3093–107.[16] Rosen MA. Energy- and exergy-based comparison of coal-fired and nuclearsteam power plants. Exergy Int J 2001;1(3):180–92.[17] Ileri A, Gurer T. Energy and exergy utilization in Turkey during 1995. Energy1998;23(12):1099–106.[18] Solati B, Zmeureanu R, Haghighat F. Correlation based models for thesimulation of energy performance of screw chillers. Energ Convers Manage2003;44:1903–20.[19] ASHRAE Handbook. HVAC System and Equipment; 2004. ASHRAE, Atlanta.[20] BLAST: the building loads analysis & system thermodynamics program. BLASTUser Reference vol. 2. BLAST support office, Department of Mechanical andIndustrial Engineering; 1992. University of Illinois.[21] Franconi EM. Thermodynamic analysis for improved HVAC distributionperformance; 1999. Ph.D Thesis. University of Colorado.[22]
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热力系统的火用分析是评估性能和不可逆性的有力工具。由于火用效率的概念与建筑的可持续发展相关,该工具的使用可能会变的更重要。虽然现在没有计算建筑持续性指标的标准方法,但是火用分析的采用能够展示自然资源低利用率的相关信息,以及对热力系统的更改可能产生的最大效用。而且关于火用分析在商用建筑的暖通 空调系统中的应用的论文非常的少。能量分析程序如 Energy Plus 软件、瞬态系统仿真程序和 DOE-2 软件都仅以第一定律分析为基础。因此,本文解决了目前被忽视的问题,即使用第三度空间进行建筑仿真。 也有一些论文提出了对暖通空调系统的火用分析,但是大部分是关于小型住宅。例如,Wepfer 等[1]计算了暖通空调应用时常遇的不同流体的可用能,并且展示了对一些选择的湿度处理进行的火用分析,例如绝热混合和除湿。他们选用室外环境作为寂态或参考状态。 Tsaros等[2]展示了热力泵的流程图。 Franconi和 Brandemuehl[3]对比了两种类型的空气分配系统的火用性能,即定风量系统和变风量系统。得出了如下结论:对于需要冷却的区域,如果室内空气温度比即时的室外温度高,计算的火用负载可能是负数,而对于需要加热的区域,如果室内空气温度比即时的室外温度低,也是亦然。Ren 等[4]通过选择寂态作为环境气温与气压下的饱和状态,对蒸发冷却的性能进行了评估。Asada 和Takeda[5]通过火用分析和实验数据对使用井水的冷辐射吊顶系统进行了评估。Hepbasli 和 Akdemir[6]计算出一个地源热泵的火用效率大约为3%,但是对应的性能系数大约为 1.7。Ozgener 等[7]评估出一个地热区的供热系统的火用效率约为 46%,能源效率约为 42%。 办公楼变风量空调系统英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_39732.html