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时间:2017-03-04 14:38来源:毕业论文
It is seen that a conventional simulation using current injection molding software breaks down for a photopolymer mold. It is assumed that this is due to the distortion in the mold caused by the tempe

It is seen that a conventional simulation using current injection molding software breaks down for a photopolymer mold. It is assumed that this is due to the distortion in the mold caused by the temperature and load conditions of injection. The three-step approach also has much deviation. The developed model gives results closer to experimental.
Improvement in thermal conductivity of the photopolymer significantly increases part quality. Since the effect of temperature seems to be more dominant than that of pressure (load), an improvement in the thermal conductivity of the photopolymer can improve the part quality significantly.
Rapid Prototyping (RP) is a technology makes it possible to manufacture prototypes quickly and inexpensively, regardless of their complexity. Rapid Tooling (RT) is the next step in RP’s steady progress and much work is being done to obtain more accurate tools to define the parameters of the process. Existing simulation tools can not provide the researcher with a useful means of studying relative changes. An integrated model, such as the one presented in this paper, is necessary to obtain accurate predictions of the actual quality of final parts. In the future, we expect to see this work expanded to develop simulations program for injection into RP molds manufactured by other RT processes.
摘要  功能性零部件都需要设计验证测试,车间试验,客户评价,以及生产计划。在小批量生产零件的时候,通过消除多重步骤,建立了有快速成型形成的注塑模具,这种方法可以保证缩短时间和节约成本。这种潜在的一体化由快速成型形成注塑模具的方法已经被多次证明是可行的。无论是模具设计还是注塑成型的过程中,缺少的是对如何修改这个模具材料和快速成型制造过程的影响有最根本的认识。此外,数字模拟技术现在已经成为模具设计工程师和工艺工程师开注塑模具的有用的工具。但目前所有的做常规注塑模具的模拟包已经不再适合这种新型的注塑模具,这主要是因为模具材料的成本变化很大。在本文中,以完成特定的数字模拟注塑液塑造成快速成型模具的综合方法已经发明出来了,而且还建立了相应的模拟系统。通过实验结果表明,目前这个方法非常适合处理快速成型模具中的问题。6280
关键词  注塑成型,数字模拟,快速成型
  在注塑成型中,聚合物熔体在高温和高压下进入模具中。因此,模具的材料需要有足够的热性能和机械性能来经受高温和高压的塑造循环。许多研究的焦点都是直接有快速成型形成注塑模具的过程。在生产小批量零件的时候,通过消除多重步骤,直接由快速成型形成的注塑模具可以保证缩短时间和节约成本。这种潜在的有快速成型形成注塑模具的方法已经被证明成功了。快速成型模具在性能上是有别与传统的金属模具。主要差异是导热性能和弹性模量(刚性)。举例来说,在立体光照成型模具中的聚合物的导热率小于铝制的工具的千分之一。在用快速成型技术来制造铸模时,整个模具设计和注塑成型工艺参数都需要修改和优化,传统的方法是改变彻底的刀具材料.不过,目前还没有对如何修改这个模具材料的方法有根本的了解.在当前的模具中,仅仅改变一些材料的性能是不能得到一个合理的结果的。同样,使用传统方法的时候,实际生产的零件也会有出先次品。因此,研究出一个快速成型过程,材料和注塑模具之间的互动关系是非常火急的。这样就可以确定模具设计标准和快速模具的注塑的技术。 立体光照成型的注塑模具工艺英文文献和翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_3739.html