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时间:2017-01-02 15:04来源:毕业论文
(v) measurement of friction at the commencement of motion of the shaft. The general layout of the apparatus used is shown in fig. 2. The apparatus itself basically consists of a shaft running inside t

(v) measurement  of  friction  at the commencement  of  motion  of  the shaft.
The general  layout of  the apparatus used is shown  in fig. 2. The apparatus itself
basically consists of a shaft running inside two O-ring seals located within a con-
tainer able to withstand  a pressure of  up to 10 MPa. The force required  to draw the
shaft through the pair of seals would  then be measured at different  pressures. This
idea is  schematically shown in fig.  3. However, the problem with this particular
design  is that the friction  force measured  is not for one but for two seals. By  consid-
ering the frictional force to be split equally between the two O-rings, a degree of approximation was brought into the results. Because the O-ring is made from an
elastomeric material it tends to extrude between the shaft and the housing contain-
ing it. Obviously, moving the shaft against the direction of extrusion would require
a higher force  than moving the  shaft in the  same direction as  the extrusion. This
simply means that in reality the frictional forces on the two seals would not be the
same. The shaft was made of  a mild  steel and had surface finish of  0.2 #m. Its diameter
was 25 mm and  the length 250 mm. The shaft,  for safety reasons, had a  50 mm
flange  located 60 mm  from one  end. Both ends of  the shaft were  chamfered  to allow
for easy assembly  into  the O-ring  seals.
The apparatus was equipped with two inductive  transducers acting as a sensor,
to measure  the axial displacement  of  the shaft.
The O-ring  type  seal has  to  be housed in  a  rectangular gland,  schematically
shown  in fig. 4. The dimensions of  the gland are dependent on the application for
which  the  seal  is  to be used. The primary decision  to be made  is the degree  of  squeeze
required. Squeeze  is defined  as the amount by which  the seal cross section  is larger
than  the space available between the shaft and the gland as  a proportion of the
shaft. Thus,
squeeze =  [(d-b)/d]  x  100  (%),
where  d is the seal cross-sectional  diameter  and b denotes  the gap between  the shaft
and gland. The degree of  squeeze  required  is governed  by the nature of  the applica-
tion  of  the  seal.  High-pressure  applications  require  a  considerable amount  of
squeeze  in  order  to  maximise  the  sealing action.  This,  however,  results  in  the
increase in the frictional force which, in turn, produces other undesirable effects
such as power  loss, heat generation  and wear of  the elastomer.
The width of  the groove, A, should be larger than the cross section of  the seal to
allow for the seal expansion under operating conditions. If  the groove  is not suffi-
ciently wide  the elastomer  can become  too  large  for the gland and begins  to extrude
between  the sealed surfaces. Radial clearance should be kept  to a minimum  to pre-
vent  extrusion of  the elastomer.
The tests were carried out at pressures of up to  10 MPa, which represents the limit for the O-ring to operate without extrusion rings. For this reason, the radial
clearance was kept  to a minimum  on  the  low-pressure  side of  the seal.
The tests reported here are primarily concerned with O-rings of special design. O形密封件摩擦性能英文文献和翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_1699.html