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时间:2018-04-28 17:09来源:毕业论文
mass was studied for these modes. Based on this analysis, the first mode is mainly axial, with a strong displacement of carriage position, whereas the second and third modes are mainly torsional. Howe

mass was studied for these modes.
Based on this analysis, the first mode is mainly axial, with a strong displacement of carriage position, whereas the second and third modes are mainly torsional.
However, as the screw lead increases, the axial– torsional coupling increases accordingly and it is not suitable to consider each mode as pure axial or torsional.
As the axial–torsional coupling varies, the frequency sensitivity of each mode to operating conditions varies. A strong axial–torsional coupling makes the
frequency value of the first mode to be less sensitive to load mass variations. However, a low axial–torsional coupling may be preferred to minimize frequency variations of the second mode for variable carriage positions.
The transmission ratio is a key design parameter with direct influence on the degree of axial–torsional coupling, which dominates the modes frequency shift.
Therefore, it has a significant effect on the robustness of the control strategies used for position control.

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Diego A. Vicente • Rogelio L. Hecker •
Fernando J. Villegas • Gustavo M. Flores    

摘要:机床的定位系统一般由滚珠丝杠驱使是因为其刚度高和外部扰动的灵敏度低。然而,现代机床需要增加他们的速度和定位加速度,这些系统的共振模式可以激发和降低轨迹跟踪精度。因此,动态模型包括振动模式所需的机器设计以及控制器的选择与调整。这项工作提出了一种高频动态模型滚珠丝杠传动。分析公式如下面的方法,在螺旋模型作为一个连续的子系统,利用里茲系列近似去获得一个近似的n个自由度的自由模型。基于这个模型,每种模式的轴向和角分量功能,研究了他们之间不同传动比确定的耦合度。在那之后,每个频率的变化模式研究了不同的车厢位置,不同的移动质量。最后,这些分析结果为应用控制器的设计与参数给出了估值。论文网 建模滚珠丝杠传动英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_14391.html