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时间:2018-04-14 22:43来源:毕业论文
93% of them, while only 2% continued the business started by a group or a family. The form of business run would impact on the company management system. For the management of a running company, the b

93% of them, while only 2% continued the business started by a group or a family. The
form  of  business  run  would  impact  on  the  company  management  system.  For  the
management of a running company, the businessmen who did it themselves were 78%
of SMEs while 17% of businessmen involved their families. This showed that creative
industries SMEs in Cimahi were privately managed and still micro and small business.
3.3 The Priority of Creative Industries SMEs
In realizing the vision of Cimahi to be a Cyber City, the selection of the leading business
was  crucial  because  not  all  business  could  be  developed  in  Cimahi.  Therefore,  the
development of business needed  to be prioritized on business with both competitive and
comparative  advantages  so  that  the  products  could  compete  regionally,  nationally,  and
globally. The selection of priority products used Hierarchy Analysis Process. There were
three  products  taken  from  each  selected  leading  business,  which  were:  (a)  Culinary
business that included cassava chips, flavoured bandrek, and semprong cakes, (b) Fashion
business  that  included Muslim  fashion  business,  batik,  and  embroidery  businesses,  (c)
Craft business that included decorated glass, gamelan, and lantern businesses, (d) Design
business  that  included  calligraphy,  printing,  and  painted  head  scarf  businesses,  (e)
Multimedia  business  that  included  animation  and  filming  service,  photography,service,
and  recording  industry  businesses,  (f).  Information  Technology  business  that  included
web service and E-Commerce, video game service, and  internet  rental.The business  that
was prioritized had the highest priority of income and welfare criteria of 29.59%. Second,
the market and marketing criteria were 25,14 %; third the distinctive criteria was 13,28 %;
fourth competitive advantage was 12,14 %; fifth  technology criterion was 10,91%; sixth
comparative  advantage was  5,36%  and  seventh  environment  criterion was  3,57%.  The
income and welfare criteria also needed to be prioritized in developing creative industries
SMEs in Cimahi. The analysis results showed that the prioritized commodity were chips,
Muslim fashion, decorated glass, printing, animation and filming service, and web service
and E-Commerce businesses. 摘要 论文网
研究旨在开发在芝马墟的创意产业和中小企业潜力,确定可优先考虑作为市场领导者的创意产业,获得他们在利用互联网和电子商务方面的想法,并通过电子商务营销获得概念模型。使用的方法是比较描述性,实验研究和应用研究。研究技术使用三种方法(1)图书馆研究(Desk Study);(2)参与式农村法(PRA)方法,焦点小组讨论(FGD)和(3)调查(访谈和观察)。本研究的对象是芝马墟的创意产业中小企业商人。本研究在2012年进行。结果显示,中小企业商人主要是大学和高中毕业生。芝马墟的中小企业业务的潜力是独立的商业潜力,生产投入,设施,发展潜力,并且政府政策实施表明芝马墟的大多数企业属于潜在范畴。此外,创意产业中小企业也有很好的潜力。中小企业对互联网和电子商务的使用的理解仍然不同。他们不完全熟悉使用互联网营销过程;互联网和电子商务社交化是必要步骤。 电子商务营销模式英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_13374.html