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时间:2018-03-15 21:01来源:毕业论文
(3) The large-scale precise plastic mold Plastic mold accounts for the mold total quantity 10%, moreover this proportion also is rising. In the plastic mold necessary large-scale casts the mold for th

(3) The large-scale precise plastic mold
 Plastic mold accounts for the mold total quantity 10%, moreover this proportion also is rising. In the plastic mold necessary large-scale casts the mold for the automobile and the electrical appliances, necessary models for the integrated circuit seals the mold, for the electronic information industry and the machinery and the packing necessary multilayer, the multi- cavities, the multi- material qualities, the multicolor precise note , and saves water the agricultural necessary plastic different molding for the new building materials to squeeze out the mold and the pipeline and the nozzle mold and so on, at present although had the suitable technology base and fast is developing, but the technical level and overseas still had a bigger disparity, the total quantity falls short of demand, Every year import amount reaches several hundred million US dollar.
(4) The main mold standard to imitatee
At present domestically to have an greater output the mold standard letter mainly is the mold frame, the guidance, the throwout lever pushes the tube, the elastic part and so on. These products not only the domestic necessary massive need, the exportation prospect very is also good, should continue vigorously to develop. The nitrogen cylinder and the hot flow channel part main dependence import, should raise the level in the existing foundation, forms the standard and organization scale production.
(5) The other high-tech content molds
Occupiesin the mold total quantity green 8% compression casting mold, large-scale thin wall precise compression casting technology content high, the difficulty is big. The magnesium alloy compression casting mold at present although just started, but the prospects for development were good, have the representation. The meridian rubber tire mold also is the development direction, detachable mold technology difficulty is biggest. With fast takes shape some fast pattern making technologies and the corresponding fast economical mold which the technology unifies has the very good prospects for development. These high-tech content molds in "十15" period also should the prioritize .
采用模具生产零部件,具有生产效率高、质量好、成本低、节约能源和原材料等一系列优点,用模具生产制件所具备的高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗,是其他加工制造方法所不能比 已成为当代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向。现代工业品的发展和技术水平的提高,很大程度上取决于模具工业的发展水平,因此模具工业对国民经济和社会发展将起越来越大的作用。
现代经济的基础工1989 年 3 月国务院颁布的《关于当前产业政策要点的决定》中,把模具列为机械工业技术改造序列的第一位、生产和基本建设序列的第二位 ( 仅次于大型发电设备及相应的输变电设备 ) ,确立模具工业在国民经济中的重要地位。1997 年以来,又相继把模具及其加工技术和设备列入了《当前国家重点鼓励发展的产业、产品和技术目录》和《鼓励外商投资产业目录》。  经国务院批准,从 1997 年到 2000 年,对 80 多家国有专业模具厂实行增值税返还 70% 的优惠政策,以扶植模具工业的发展。所有这些,都充分体现了国务院和国家有关部门对发展模具工业的重视和支持。目前全世界模具年产值约为 600 亿美元,日、美等工业发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业,从 1997 年开始,我国模具工业产值也超过了机床工业产值。 据统计,在家电、玩具等轻工行业,近 90 %的零件是综筷具生产的;在飞机、汽车、农机和无线电行业,这个比例也超过 60 %。例如飞机制造业,某型战斗机模具使用量超过三万套,其中主机八千套、发动机二千套、辅机二万套。从产值看, 80 年代以来,美、日等工业发达国家模具行业的产值已超过机床行业,并又有继续增长的趋势。据国际生产技术协会预测,到 2000 年,产品尽件粗加工的 75% 、精加工的 50 %将由模具完成;金属、塑料、陶瓷、橡胶、建材等工业制品大部分将由模具完成, 50 %以上的金属板材、 80 %以上的塑料都特通过模具转化成制品。 模具设计与制造英文文献和中文翻译(5):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_11169.html