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更新时间:2012-1-10:  来源:51代码网



$conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'admin', 'admin');
$db_list = mysql_list_dbs($conn);
$exec="SELECT  `subject` ,  `url`  FROM  `phpup_groups` WHERE  `ispassed` =1";
mysql_query("set names 'gb2312'");

$xmlcode = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<rss version="2.0">  

while ($arr = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

    $title = iconv("GB2312","UTF-8",$arr["subject"]);
    $link =  iconv("GB2312","UTF-8",$arr["url"]);

    $xmlcode .= "<item><title>".$title."</title><link>".$link."</link><description><![CDATA[]]></description></item>";

$xmlcode .= "</channel></rss>";

echo $xmlcode;


以下是RSS 2.0的代码样例
  <!-- XML版本和字符集 -->
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- RSS版本 -->
  <rss version="2.0">
  <!-- 以下为频道信息及新闻列表 -->
  <!-- 频道总体信息:开始 -->
  <!-- 频道标题 -->
  <title>Lift Off News</title>
  <!-- 频道链接的总地址 -->
  <!-- 频道描述文字 -->
  <description>Liftoff to Space Exploration.</description>
  <!-- 频道使用的语言(zh-cn表示简体中文) -->
  <!-- 频道发布的时间 -->
  <pubDate>Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
  <!-- 频道最后更新的时间-->
  <lastBuildDate>Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:41:01 GMT</lastBuildDate>
  <!-- 频道生成器 -->
  <generator>Weblog Editor 2.0</generator>
  <!-- 频道总体信息:结束 -->
  <!-- 每条RSS新闻信息都包含在item节点中, -->
  <!-- 新闻标题 -->
  <title>Star City</title>
  <!-- 新闻链接地址 -->
  <!-- 新闻内容简要描述 -->
  <description>How do Americans get ready to work with Russians aboard the
  International Space Station? They take a crash course in culture, language
  and protocol at Russia's Star City.</description>
  <!-- 新闻发布时间 -->
  <pubDate>Tue, 03 Jun 2003 09:39:21 GMT</pubDate>
  <!-- 新闻目录 -->
  <!-- 新闻作者 -->
  <title>Space Exploration</title>
  <description>Sky watchers in Europe, Asia, and parts of Alaska and Canada
  will experience a partial eclipse of the Sun on Saturday, May 31st.</description>
  Fri, 30 May 2003 11:06:42 GMT</pubDate>
  <title>The Engine That Does More</title>
  <description>Before man travels to Mars, NASA hopes to design new engines
  that will let us fly through the Solar System more quickly. The proposed
  VASIMR engine would do that.</description>
  Tue, 27 May 2003 08:37:32 GMT</pubDate>
  <title>Astronauts' Dirty Laundry</title>
  <description>Compared to earlier spacecraft, the International Space
  Station has many luxuries, but laundry facilities are not one of them.
  Instead, astronauts have other options.</description>
  Tue, 20 May 2003 08:56:02 GMT</pubDate>

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