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更新时间:2012-3-10:  来源:51代码网

序号 日期 余额
1 20120101
2 20120102
3 20120103 10
4 20120104
5 20120105
6 20120106 20
7 20120107
8 20120108
9 20120109 30
10 20120110
11 20120111

select 序号,日期,
  (select top 1 余额 from tb where 日期 >= t.日期 order by 日期) 余额
from tb t

create table som
(序号 int, 日期 varchar(12), 余额 int)

insert into som
select 1, '20120101', null union all
select 2, '20120102', null union all
select 3, '20120103', 10 union all
select 4, '20120104', null union all
select 5, '20120105', null union all
select 6, '20120106', 20 union all
select 7, '20120107', null union all
select 8, '20120108', null union all
select 9, '20120109', 30 union all
select 10, '20120110', null union all
select 11, '20120111', null

select * from som

序号          日期           余额
----------- ------------ -----------
1           20120101     NULL
2           20120102     NULL
3           20120103     10
4           20120104     NULL
5           20120105     NULL
6           20120106     20
7           20120107     NULL
8           20120108     NULL
9           20120109     30
10          20120110     NULL
11          20120111     null

update a
set a.余额=
isnull((select b.余额 from som b
 where b.余额 is not null and b.序号=
 (select max(序号) from som c
  where c.余额 is not null and c.序号<a.序号)
(select top 1 余额 from som where 余额 is not null))
from som a
where a.余额 is null

select * from som

序号          日期           余额
----------- ------------ -----------
1           20120101     10
2           20120102     10
3           20120103     10
4           20120104     10
5           20120105     10
6           20120106     20
7           20120107     20
8           20120108     20
9           20120109     30
10          20120110     30
11          20120111     30

(11 row(s) affected)

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