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更新时间:2014-11-6:  来源:毕业论文

ABSTRACT:Nigeria is the financial giant of Africa and today one of the developing countries that in fast  gaining  recognition  and  acceptance  at  the  international  level.  With  so  many beautiful plans and sound  procedures established to achieve some discipline in its financial  control and management,  the  home  from is  nothing to  write  home  about because of the apparent disregard for rules and regulations by those in authority. The result is that nothing works! No matter how beautifully intended. That is why this paper gives  a  detailed  assessment  of  the  effectiveness  on  the  statutory  guidelines  for accounting for public funds. It also highlights the problems and offers useful solutions.
In a developing economy, a common feature is the regulation of all facets of economic activities through standardized rules that bring about a presumed uniformity of actions. The management and  operation of government financial activities is one facet that  needs certain regulations  in  order  to  achieve  the set  financial  objectives  of  the government  . These objectives are:
a.  The provision of useful information necessary for the efficient, effective and economic management of the financial resources of the government;
b.  Provision of information necessary by the executives to report on the discharge of their responsibilities in relation to the collection, custody and disbursement of public funds entrusted into their care;
c.  Provision of proofs of reasonableness of the financial transactions; and
d.  Ensuring compliance and strict adherence to  the  laid down rules and regulations. The civil service, through which the government operates, is a large and complex organization that needs predetermined standards  (financial  and  otherwise) foruniformity  of  action in  order  to  achieve  the  financial  and  other  objectives  of  the government.  Procedures for revenue collection, security of cash and properties as well as the categories of officers that are supposed to be responsible for each action                                                         be  set  out  in  the  civil  service  for the  desired  effectiveness  and  efficiency  in  the management of government financial resources.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nigeria, as a Third World country, has had more than a fair share of the desired regulations  necessary for achieving the set financial objectives of the government, at least on paper.  The country has been having different financial regulations in different forms right from  when it was totally dependent on its colonial master and after “flag” independence. These rules and  procedures, which regulate the financial activities of the Federal Government, are enshrined in various legal documents of the government, such  as the  Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria  of various  dates, Finance Act 1958, Audit 1958 Act or Decree, Appropriation Act or Decree,  the annual Budgets etc. This paper attempts to review and critically assess the financial regulations as contained in the various legal documents of the Federal Government and articulates some of the major problems hampering their implementation and challenges for the future.
The Nigerian financial regulations have undergone substantial changes over the years as a result of the need to adapt to the changing socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural environments.  Nevertheless, the financial regulations of the Federal Republic of 本文来自辣.文,论~文^网原文请找腾讯324,9114  has been promulgating different laws in the form of Acts, Decrees, Constitutions, etc, for  among other things, the standardization of its financial activities. Below is a review and assessment of  those laws, or sections thereof that serve to regulate the financial activities of the Federal government of Nigeria of Nigeria.

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