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更新时间:2010-4-18:  来源:毕业论文



















  (Of the current catering business how to conduct effective cost control )

  The operation and management of catering enterprises in addition to their specificity, but also with other service companies have the same side, again to enter the business market and also to participate in the business competition. In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, food and beverage companies to improve efficiency, to health development, it must be based on the actual operation and management, establishment of cost management system, strengthen financial management, reduce costs, none other customers, improve service quality and maximize market share rate.

  From a financial analysis point of view, food for daily consumption of 80% of the business concentrated in the dishes of raw materials, how to effectively reduce the cost and loss of raw materials, food cost control as the key.

  First, the preparation of raw material procurement plan, establishment of procurement approval process

  Chef or kitchen department heads every night operating revenue under the service areas, material storage conditions determine the amount of material procurement, and fill in purchase orders submitted to the purchasing department. Procurement plan developed by the purchasing department, submitted to the Treasurer and reported to Director approval, written or verbal notice to suppliers.

  Second, establish a strict system of procurement inquiry offer

  Part-time prices in the financial room staff, regular daily consumption of raw materials for a wide range of market inquiries, shop around, and procurement analysis offer feedback, found that there are differences and promptly corrected. For daily use of vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, fruits and other raw materials, according to the market open offer once every two weeks and held regular price, on suppliers to provide goods of quality and price both open and fair choice. On new materials and bulk goods, sporadic emergency procurement of supplies, accompanied by an approved purchase order to reimbursement.

  Third, establish and improve a strict inspection system for procurement

  Acceptance of material procurement personnel in the practical implementation of the quantity, quality, standards, and offer to carry out strict inspection check. Inspection personnel to adhere to achieve the "four No": "No order the goods do not accept", "No clear evidence delivery", "No size or quantity," "No material obviously strange." For the purchase of unnecessary excess, plays bad product, specifications discrepancies and unauthorized purchases of goods the right to reject, for the price, quantity and purchase order discrepancies should be promptly corrected; inspection Warehouse workers filled in after the acceptance certificate , acceptance of goods, according to the Department of Procurement Unit on file.

  Fourth, establish a strict system of reporting losses reported lost

  For the raw material deterioration, damage, loss damage reported to formulate a strict system of reporting lost, and to establish a reasonable rate of reported loss, damage reports submitted by the department in charge of financial Warehouse, by name, specification, said Jin Liang Fill out the loss orders, loss of species reported be identified by the Head of Procurement, the sign reported loss. Every day the newspapers reported loss of a single aggregate director. The reported loss exceeds the rate of to explain why.

  5, strict control of inventory of purchased materials

  According to the operation of different service areas to set reasonable upper and lower inventory levels, from lower inventory levels, reduce the unit price to take control of inventory storage costs. Because the inventory not only takes up space, funds, and produce handling and storage requirements, erosion of unit assets. Over time, stocks of corrosion, deterioration will produce waste; timely analysis of the situation of poor sales dishes, to avoid losses caused by deterioration of raw materials.

  Sixth, the establishment of a strict storage and requisitioning system

  Formulate strict storage procedures and inventory management from raw materials of various departments requisitioning system. Catering business shall be required to apply for acceptance of goods purchased storage procedures. All the libraries must first fill in requisition, signed by the head of force is prohibited without a single material or white striped collar collar material is strictly prohibited smear requisition. Consuming inappropriate or arrangements as improper use of moldy, outdated and so wasting all persons responsible.

  7, into "Wuchang" management philosophy, and fully mobilize the employees of self-regulation

  "Wuchang Law" Professor He Guangming Hong Kong learn from the Japanese "5S" management method, combined with the actual creation of the modern business management methods of quality food. The essence is: the work of regular organization, often straighten out every day, the environment always clean, always regulate things and everyone always self-discipline.

  For example, by "regular organization", the essential goods and non-essential items separately, will reduce the necessity to use the minimum amount of floor and put it in a convenient between. By "regular order" and to consider appropriate storage methods and equipment, fixed objects, "name" and "home" to use the shortest possible time, or put away objects can be made to eliminate all possible waste. "Wuchang Law" as a simple, effective, and able to manage sustainable way has become the food industry to improve efficiency, improve service quality and reduce operating costs of a ** treasure.

  Catering enterprises should understand the market, analyze the market, to market information and the introduction of social characteristics and advantages of related industries to find their own business foothold, to establish and improve processes and long-term cost control mechanism, improving the management level, especially financial management levels, and reduce operating costs, and strive to maximize their profits, and hence the economic and social benefits to achieve the two-harvest business objectives, and strive to create distinctive brand catering industry services.

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